After reading Jenny's affidavit that she was in good medical health, I went to her FACEBOOK looking for a recent photograph of her which was there showing her being extremely thin. Evidence to prove she was ill. It was taken during the time she told me that she was not well and she could not eat. She was always tired and had no energy. She spoke of her future being in a wheelchair.
What is missing are all photographs of her, her family, her daughter's family, and in particular the wedding she attended when her daughter married into the current MLA for Kamloops' family. Peter Milobar is into secrecy and confidentiality to the point that he cannot be trusted. He also was the mayor of Kamloops for three terms. I would not be surprised if he told Jenny to get rid of anything that could identify that Jenny is part of his family. I am fed up with secrecy to the point it is harmful. And Candace who is Jenny's lawyer did huge work for the City of Kamloops. . That is why Jenny did not have to pay a $20,000 retainer to Candace, Lawyers are always doing free bono work for relatives of clients if the client is a corporate one with money, money, money. it is called connections. . But Ron had to pay a $20,000 to Leah.
I have always maintained that Jenny and I should co-administer the Estate. At the beginning Jenny wanted me to be the administrator and I agreed with the proviso if Jenny felt up to it we could co-administer the estate. Everything would have been dealt with in an upfront clear manner. Why was this so difficult. No one could tell me why I could not be co-administer.. I was being judged by a pack of crazy people, no reason, just nothing.. I even proposed at one time that I, Jenny and Ron all of us be co-administrators. No. No. No. The lawyers only wanted ONE administrator who they could bully. It is easy to control a dumb naive client. And Candace made the decision that Jenny should be given an unfair portion of the estate.
And when I tried to get a lawyer in Vancouver, ONYX said that I could not talk to my siblings and ONYX had a four month wait period before they would do anything.
In the affidavit Candace said that the estate settlement agreement was not an agreement between Jenny and any other beneficiary. So who was the agreement with; It is nonsense. What was the ;purpose of the estate settlement agreement. If it wasn't among parties how could it be enforced.
When I read the agreement, it screamed at me that it was an open cheque book. And I would like to know why it took Candace and Leah four months to compose it. There was a reference that it was all Ron's fault as he had issues with Jenny. On December 21, 2023 he totally supported Jenny to be an administrator, and then he had issues with her being an administrator. All of us as interested parties should know what issues they were so that we, each of us, could then know what is going on and not just wait and allow the open cheque book to unfold. What issues did Jenny and Ron have that necessitated an estate settlement agreement. Estate lawyers are so busy these days that once they snare you as a client you are put on a waiting list. In this case it was always four months between anything being done. It is not me, it is not the court registry, it is the lawyers that are causing delay. I did not get seriously involved with the probate as I was waiting for Jenny to get a lawyer which I thought best to share. Jenny's first lawyer lasted four month, Jenny's second lawyer lasted four month; and then with Candace the same thing, four months to put together the estate settlement agreement. And then four months before I found out about the estate grant.
I will always remember on May 10 2024 when Jenny told me that she was forced to do the P1 and agree to the estate settlement agreement. She said that she could not stand the pressure any more. She was distraught, Who was pressuring her. When we first spoke in 2023, she said she wanted me to be the administrator as I was the oldest. I did the P1 to be the administrator then we waited for her to get a lawyer in Kamloops. I want to know who pressured her. And the lawyer I hired in Mary 2024 was equally as bad. He had me sign a retainer agreement and then nothing happened until after the estate grant was issued and then he says to me that it is too late to oppose Jenny being the administrator. It did not matter if she was qualified or not, pressured or not. Or the fact that Candace under stealth got the estate grant issued,