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Friday, April 29, 2011

Cruelty Inc.

I just left Randy after I visited him from 1:00 to 4:00 in the piano room at George Pearson Station. When I told him I could not see him until Monday he got angry, combative, and agitated. He kept shaking his head. No. No. No. When the nurse forced the wheelchair into the hallway, Randy put the brake on the wheelchair. He did not want to leave me.

What kind of cruel sick system do we have that treats a grown man with such contempt. I found out today that Dr. Perry Kendall, Provincial Health Officer, is responsible for this state of patient imprisonment.

George Pearson Centre is not a hospital; it is an extended care facility: a resident's home. It cannot take Randy's rights away from him without due process. The due process exercised here was that of a bully visitor who managed to engage other wanabee bullies to cause grief just for the sake that they can do it. I cannot forgive them.

In Vancouver Coastal Health's Workplace and Human Rights Policy it states Step # 1 ... Persons who experience disrespectful conduct or discrimination are strongly encouraged to engage in a conversation with the other person (s) to clarify and resolve the concerns. Although I asked for this, I was told that it was impossible.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend

When I spoke to Randy on Thursday that I would not be able to see him over the Easter weekend four days because George Pearson Centre won't let me, he became very angry and tried to get out of his wheelchair as he attempted to pull out his life support tubes from his body so he could go home with me. It is still haunting his eyes in terror not wanting this to happen. Whatever the perceived wrong I did is pale to the pain Randy is suffering. Being a prisoner in his own body and the George Pearson Centre making it worse. Besides Randy what about me. All I am doing is crying, I can't sleep, and I keep having flashbacks to what caused this injustice and it is an injustice. By its own Respectful Workplace and Human Rights Policy Vancouver Coastal Health has violated both mine and Randy's Rights and by such conduct the Rights of every person and their families in residential care.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You Can't Keep A Good Man Down

As I watched Randy leaning over trying to navigate the baby wheels of his new Transporter Chair in an attempt to make it move, I ran over to the drug store and bought him a cane. It didn't take him long to figure out if he pushed the cane on the floor his new transporter chair would move.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

VCH devoid of moral reasoning and/or cost benefit analysis

Yesterday I went to see Randy during my restrictive visiting hours. This time I had two securities guards watching me and Randy and at 4:00 p.m. accompany me off the property to the sidewalk. I can't believe this is happening but it is. Since being constructively banned from GPC on March 1st 2011 I must have cost the Vancouver Health Authority $50,000 deflecting from what they should be doing to "making an example" of what I do not know. It isn't security that is costing the money, it is the behind the scenes meetings at the top level of Vancouver Coastal Health at $500 an hour, their lawyers, etc.

And now it is the new $7,000 wheel chair without wheels that was delivered to Randy on Friday. Believe it. It has no wheels; just little tiny wheels like baby strollers have. Nothing to make him self mobile. It is called an egometric transporter chair.

When I see Randy I do not visit. I do the best I can to motivate and one area has been training him to manipulate the loaner wheelchair he had so he could be mobile. When I showed him a $50 bill across the room he went for it. It would take him awhile as he inched towards the $50 bill but he did it.

And the cost of Randy's care to date (10 months) over $One Million only to be denied his mobility and his right of association. Something is terribly wrong. And all the advice I have been given is that I have to play the game. Why. There should be no game to play.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

George Pearson Centre (amended Monday am)

I can't figure this one out. I am Randy's primary caregiver and yet I am being denied the legislated right to give him care. I do not take kindly to be falsely accused of things, nor being denied my rights, nor not being able to carrying out my duties as Randy's caregiver. I need access to him 24 hours a day so I can assure myself that he is alive and getting adequate care.

Since the reason for my banning is that the residents are
of me, I find this incredible to believe unless they have been programmed to know this by their captures and GPC hiding behind "confidentiality" only makes it worse. I find it impossible to believe that any resident would be afraid of me; least of all 100 of them. Now I am advised that this group has now been expanded globally to include staff, families and visitors (400 more people). I am sure Mary Achenhusen must be at the top of the list.

Yesterday I left a few flowers for Randy with a nurse to give to Randy. The nurse was accompanied by a security guard. I phoned ahead and said I would be on the sidewalk @ 2:00 p.m.and would someone come and get the bouquet. Bizarre. All this over a 65 year old lady weighing <120 pounds 5'1" with no marital arts training who only wanted to be friendly. Nothing worse is going to a residential care facility and the only thing you see are residents in bed watching television 24/7. Where are their families.

Friday, April 1, 2011

George Pearson Centre

Marion, I got a piece of paper signed by Randy today saying that he wants to see me everyday like I have been for nine months. You better have a very good explanation as to why this is impossible. It is very clear to me that you would have let Randy die rather than allow me to visit Randy except on your restrictive unreasonable terms.

"on Fri, 4/1/11, Biln, Marion [VA] wrote:

From: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: Re: audreyjanelaferriere
To: "''"
Received: Friday, April 1, 2011, 5:31 PM

Audrey, I do appreciate that you would like to be at GPC during those times but that is not possible
We will need to keep to the original plan of monday, tuesday,friday from 1-4
I will let Kate know that you are interested in getting training in suctioning
Marion Biln

From: Audrey Jane Laferriere []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 12:16 PM
To: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere

The second situation was created by Bob by his failure to quickly end the malicious gossip and bullying caused by your staff, residents and visitors. I was recently accused of stealing an eight cent tomato and this is no different.

Next week I am free during the daylight hours so I will be wanting to visit Randy each weekday from 9:00 to 4:00. I want to visit him in the ward so I can interact with his nursing staff to satisfy myself that he is getting the mandated care and also tend to his entertainment, educational and physio needs. Considering the dire state of health care dollars, I know you will welcome any assistance I can give. It was agreed that your RT would train me to suction Randy so this coming week would be a good time to begin the training.

Your security can accompany me and stand guard as long as they are standing and not sitting. Do not worry I will not call out if Joy is choking to death and there is no one on the floor to come to her aid.

I will also wear a scarlett letter on my sweater to make sure that residents, visitors and staff stay away from me.

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, Biln, Marion [VA] wrote:

From: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere
To: "'Audrey Jane Laferriere'"
Received: Friday, April 1, 2011, 2:38 PM

We did speak to you about the concerns at our meeting on Feb 23rd- unfortunately there was a second situation shortly after that meeting

I am unable to be here this afternoon during your visit- will leave the info on visiting for you with security and hopefully connect on Monday




From: Audrey Jane Laferriere []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 7:38 AM
To: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere

How can you make that kind of decision without evern talking to me. I should have been the fourth part of this team.

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, Biln, Marion [VA] wrote:

From: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere
To: "'Audrey Jane Laferriere'"
Received: Friday, April 1, 2011, 10:34 AM

These decisions are never done lightly or without extensive consultation- so it would be a team decision, between security, risk management, and myself as the manger of residential services at GPC




From: Audrey Jane Laferriere []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 7:31 AM
To: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere

So, who is doing the restricting of hours.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts."--Edmund Burke

--- On Thu, 3/31/11, Biln, Marion [VA] wrote:

From: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere
To: "'Audrey Jane Laferriere'"
Received: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 11:00 AM

Audrey, keep me posted and we will see what we can do ...

At this time you are restricted to weekday days ( 5 days per week) so this gives us a fair amount of flexibility-




From: Audrey Jane Laferriere []
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:57 AM
To: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere

Marion , after paying my rent I have little money. I have to find some kind of work and that means day hours and the restrictive visiting hours is making it very difficult.

--- On Thu, 3/31/11, Biln, Marion [VA] wrote:

From: Biln, Marion [VA]
Subject: RE: audreyjanelaferriere
To: "'Audrey Jane Laferriere'" , "Chapman, Bob [VC]" , Received: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 10:34 AM

After I spoke with you I did follow up with supervisors and staff about the Saturday incident and possible misconceptions

I am aware of the trach issues as we have spoken before- do you remember the circumstances or timeline regarding the three gashes

I did check on Randy this morning, and he seems well and comfortable in bed-

The recreation department was wondering if you and Randy would like to have a garden plot to plant flowers in- the gardening program is on Tuesday so it would fit in with your planned visits- it runs from 2-4 – I can get you some information on the program if you are interested




From: Audrey Jane Laferriere []
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:03 PM
To: Biln, Marion [VA]; Chapman, Bob [VC];
Subject: audreyjanelaferriere

I was right. For three weeks I stayed away from GPC and then when I agreed to your "I am going to punish Audrey terms" I agreed to see Randy and what I feared has happened. You are just looking for a further excuse to ban me forever so that Randy will die for lack of a will to live and he won't understand why. All I am is spied up and incident reports created. Please be advised that the subject of the eight page incident report about the flowers were the ones I left at gpc at 9:30 in the morning Sunday for Randy and they were purchased from Cambie Flowers on late Saturday evening for $5.00. They were wrapped in clear cellophane surrounded by a pink waxed paper with raffelle ribbon. The mini orchids could not be misinterpreted to be from the grounds of George Pearson Centre. You told Security that the flowers came from the gardens of stephen king centre. Suggest you speak to the nursing staff on Sunday as I am sure none of them would have been part of this persecution.

As far as I am concerned you are denying Randy the right to additional care considering the wide spread belief of lack of funding. You should be encouraging those like me to spend as much time as possible with residents to audit their progress each day. Randy has had numerous incidents at George Pearson respecting his trach and also I seem to remember three gashes in his head which was never investigated and today small gashes on his hands. And on Monday I noticed his trach tie was bloodied and there was droplets of blood on his wheel chair: arm rest and wheel.

Randy told me he does NOT like it at George Pearson, he gives Dr. Dunn a finger whenever I speak of him, he wants to go home and unless he sees some progress he will surely pull out his life support again and the next time your overworked staff will not arrive in time to save his life.


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