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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Destroying One's Will to Live

From the very very beginning I spoke of GPC's attempts to destroy residents' will to live and it hasn't changed.  Yesterday I was taking a picture of Randy and as I extended my arm out to hold the camera he pushed the flash to take a picture of me.  He achieved great satisfaction in that he could take a picture even though he is disabled because he is a quad.

Within seconds security and staff are surrounding us saying that picture taking was not allowed. The security guard said he would have to write up a report on the incident and the staff has to as well.. What a waste of resources.

I showed the security guard pictures of me which Randy had taken previously and I of him at GPC which are in full view on the bulletin board next to his bed.

Camera phones are so small now that they can fit into the palm of one's hand so if staff is uncomfortable with cameras they better get used to it.Even having policies won't prevent picture taking.

This incident reminded me of the incident --- the very first time I saw Randy at GPC --- where I put my head at the edge of his bed as I was suffering from exhaustion and relief, holding Randy's hand, as I finally located him.  VGH didn't tell me he was being transferred to GPC although they knew for six weeks ahead of time. I had my head on my arm and security was called because sleeping is not allowed.

The next day I get attitude from the head nurse citing that if I didn't sign a visitor's contract that she would make sure that I would never see Randy again. Three months later she was successful in getting me banned. Because GPC is private property it can do whatever they want without any form of due they think.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why We Must Care

A sense of responsibility towards all others also means

that both as individuals and as a society of individuals,

we have a duty to care for each member of our society.

This is true irrespective of their physical capacity or of their

capacity for mental reflection. Just like ourselves, such people have

a right to happiness and to avoid suffering. We must therefore avoid,

at all cost, the urge to shut away those who are grievously afflicted

as if they were a burden. The same goes for those who are diseased or

marginalized. To push them away would be to heap suffering on suffering.

If we ourselves were in the same condition, we would look to others for help.

We need, therefore, to ensure that the sick and afflicted person never

feels helpless, rejected or unprotected. Indeed, the affection

we show to such people is, in my opinion, the measure of

our spiritual health, both at the level of the

individual and at that of society.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama,
Ancient Wisdom, Modern World: Ethics for the New Millennium, at p. 176

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dr. Stilwell October 20 2012


Dr. Stilwell wanted me to extend an invitation to you (and anyone else you would like to join) to attend the Senior's Advisory Council that she and the Minister of State for Seniors, the Honourable Ralph Sultan, will be holding on Saturday October 20th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at the Oakridge Senior's Centre. They will be discussing pressing issues that affect seniors on a day to day basis as well as possible resolutions.
I attended this meeting wanting to voice two of my many concerns during question period and even before I had the occasion to say anything a loud mouth in the audience said he didn't want to hear them.  My concerns are pressing and urgent that affects all of us on a day to day basis.
1.  no one should be banned from being with a patient except by court order
2.  DNR Orders should not be sought from patients by doctors in Emergency

I am convinced that the heckler was a plant to unsettle and deflect me from saying anything.  How could I not have seen it at the time.

I have given up the coat of privacy a long time ago and so anything I would say is public.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Phone System and Television

Like yesterday I phoned ahead of time twice to tell staff I would be arriving to see Randy at 7:45 p.m.  No answer; just a busy signal.  Security walked me down to see Randy and he was in his bed starring at his television with no audio.  Someone had undone his headphone and there was no sound. I put it on CNN which seems to please Randy.  I then became emotional and walked away from Randy with tears in my eyes. How many hundreds of days has his television not been put on so he could hear it.  Being banned gives licence to staff to just ignore a quad who cannot talk. And a licence to bully a crazy 70 years old woman who is investing what is left of her time to be a comfort advocate for a quad who has no quality of life. Why would anyone even what to care for Randy or even to talk to me...



Thursday, October 18, 2012

GPC Phone System

I just tried to phone Randy in Ward 2, 604-322-8370, it was busy.  I then called the main number 604-321-3231 and she said that Ward 2's phone was busy and no there was no way I could leave a message as when the phones are busy you cannot leave a message as the phone system is not programmed to do this task. And the best thing I could do is phone back later ... and so my frustration goes on and on.


Monday, October 15, 2012

The Rain on Sunday

During these past weeks the only thing that cheered me up was the rain yesterday.  Not the rain but rather the doggies who found a ditch full of pure rain water and they went for it.  Their happiness follicking in the water transferred to me.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nothing to Say

It isn't that I have nothing to say it is just lately so many things have happened that I can't say anything.  Even the comfort of my blog is overwhelming. 

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