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Thursday, November 29, 2012


Recently on one of the newsmagazines on tv there was a segment about a DNR Order for a older gentleman to which his daughter, a nurse, wasn't aware.  She was with her father when he was in distress and was prevented from assisting him by staff of Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.  The staff just stood there watching the gentleman die while physically holding back the daughter because of these three letters: DNR..  How terrorizing that I still have recall of this..

I recently had a scenario of  how DNRs are obtained.  I am still reeling over it.  If staff suspects that a family member will oppose a DNR hospital staff will just go behind the family member's back and get it anyways.  It isn't even in writing.  Just a notation on a patient's chart: DNR.  There is a trio of doctors at VGH whose mandate is to convince patients to agree or even if a patient doesn't know what he is agreeing to but agrees that he understands it is on his chart forever never to be questioned again.

Randy had a severe traumatic brain injury and as time goes on he is susceptible to suggestions i.e. undue influence.  However, one thing that Randy is consistent is when you ask him about Dr. Dunn his assigned doctor because you can't have a family doctor when you are in care is his consistent "the finger."

Why is this an ongoing issue (rush) not only at VGH but also at GPC.

Randy is only 54 years old; unfortunately he is a quad but his quality of life is good, he has no diseases nor is he in pain.  The traumatic brain injury left him with a spinal cord injury. He suffers from depression but who won't.

Randy is in a system that has a halo of goodness around it. It promises to do no harm.

At the last open board meeting Kip Woodward said something had to be done to prevent extraction of DNRs while patients are in Emergency but he hasn't done anything so far.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Dr. Patricia Daly

What a joke her office is.  Two Thursdays ago I went to see her at 601 Broadway to discuss a communicable disease and was told that she does not talk to those off the street.  So who does she talk to.  I go all that way the least she could have done is talk to me.  She is as bad as Moira Stilwell the MLA   who locks her offices so no one can drop by.So what happens if you do not have a phone or an email address.  Coincidence both of them are doctors, working and living in cocoons in gated communities.

I wrote a note addressed to Patricia but  her assistant would not take it so I tossed it unto one of the low tables at the entrance to her offices. Patricia never got back to me going on two weeks so it is time to report my concern..

Dr. Patricia Daly is the Chief Medical Health Officer and Vice President of Public Health.. Someone who is paid to look after our public health.

With flu season upon us and all the media surrounding the rights of hospital employees to have a flu shot or not, I wanted to tell Dr. Daly that it isn't the employees she should be worried about, rather it is the public that has access to hospital faciliities as visitors, vendors, volunteers, etc.  I wanted her to use her position to put masks at all hospital entrance ways and make it a requirement for everyone to wear one. She may not be able to force union employees to wear a mask but  because of her unfettered power she can force everyone else to wear one.

And I also went to Emerg at VGH and told one of the doctors there who said I was being agressive and he called for security. The only thing employees of VCH can do effectively is phone security.  Can't deal with something simple, phone security.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

" No conversation with you, Audrey."

I attempted to ask a simple question of one of the floor nurses at GPC who had just attended to Randy and before I could ask it, she looked at me straight in the eye and said "No conversation with you, Audrey."  I quickly wrote her words down and am wondering from whom did she get this instruction.  Also, I am certain she is breaking the rules/ethics of nursing no matter who told her to say this.

I am Randy's advocate and no bureaucrat can diminish that function by not speaking to me or relegating me and Randy to a separate room for thirty minute intervals so I cannot see how he is being treated

Randy is a quad, he cannot talk, he cannot research whatever treatment he is getting, he has no one else except me to make sure he isn't being given information he does not understand or being ignored. Trusting VCH to police itself is like trusting the police to police themselves.  Not possible.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Low Lifes of VCH

I was able to overhear from VGH at noon today that Randy is going to be transported back to GPC  tomorrow against Randy's and mine objections.

Anyone who reads Paul Caine's blog Civil Rights Now.Org and you won't want anyone to go to GPC.

Bob Chapman, the Risk Manaagement Director, who can find me when he wants to but in this case is behaving like he always does.  He sends emails to people that do not have smart phones but these last two times he never even tried to contact me.  When I would go to visit VCH to see Randy like never existed he is gone.

Randy has had three code blue infections in as many weeks this past month. He gets an infection; he is sent to VGH and then returned to GPC and after I see he has another infection, he is returned to VGH (threes times) and within days he recovers at VGH  then VGH sends me back to GPC putting Randy at risk again.

When he was in emergency I was able to sleep on the floor next to him so he knew I was there.

Any suggestions as to what Randy and I should do would be appreciated.

Who wrote the legislation that gives them the right to do this.Repeatedly telling VCH that Randy does not want to be returned to GPC because it is not safe falls on deaf ears. 



Monday, November 12, 2012

Being respectful

I was told by Ro Ang, Manager of GPC, and Bob Chapman, Manager of Risk Management, that any emails or letters or voice mails that are not respectful (whatever that means)will not be responded to...

What tree did these apples fall off of.  VCH has done everything possible to prevent me from being a true comfort advocate to Randy...and I have to be respectful (whatever that means) to these apples... and now I cannot even correspond with them.  Talking to them has proved impossible as I have a voice that is agressive (whatever that means) call secuirty.   I did not know that I was born with this disability until I encountered VCH. 

And now I find out that I have never been banned, restricted ... I have only been subject to guidelines enforced by physical violence...  There is no one who knows what they are doing at GPC or VCH.

Again, and again, and again, Randy has the right to be involved in his treatment and since I am his conduit VCH cannot stop me but they have by banning me, ignoring me, and not providing the information I need to help Randy make decisions about his care. This rings of constitution law : security of person which Randy does not have.

They even went over my head and consulted with Tanu as to whether or not Randy might be supportive of a DNR Order when Randy was in emergency at VGH.  Can you imagine the terror I felt when I was told by a nurse that Randy was now DNR.  Because I was able to get the DNR reversed Randy is alive and well but stilll in VGH. Yesterday we were doing bed physios: I was coaching Randy to move his fingers, hands, arms, legs and toes in 20X sets for 5 sets.  He even tried to sit up.  And he kept throwing/refllecting the small plush toy back at me or the floor when I threw it to him.

Randy doesn't want to go back to GPC and neither do I as the thought of it is intolerable.  GPC/VCH allowed this to happen because they deferred their lack of judgment to Nurse Ratchet, the mother superior of Ward 2.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mystery Shopper

Besides being a comfort advocate for Randy, I have decided that I am not a trouble maker but rather a "mystery shopper."  A private shopper that spies on whether or not an establishment is doing its due diligence i.e. providing "excellent" service.  With VCH it is not necessary to spy on it as it is an open lens as everything is there for anyone to see. Like reading Single Use sterile medical products when in fact VCH does not follow that protocol consistently.

Burnaby General Hospital had 85 deaths to infections within 2.5 years which could be attributable to it not following manufacturer's instructions.

On Friday I contacted Covidien asking them not to sell their products to the health authorities because the B.C. health authorities are not following their instructions and are putting patients at risk of repeated infections.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Beautiful Doggie

For the longest time I have been without identification as it went missing.  No big loss except my bus pass was in it and the cost of transit going to VGH each day was thus prohibitive.  I am on the guaranteed income pension which isn't much after paying my rent and utilities and paying for things to make Randy's life a bit more enjoyable and fun.I am also paying $10.00 a day for a television as VCH does not provide televisions free.  Since Randy is a quad there is nothing else for him except for me and that isn't all that great as he can't talk. At least now we can watch tv together and he can indicate to me what channel he might want to watch.

Yesterday however "David D Hayward" of Joyfellowship came to see us.  It is a christian fellowship devoted to those that have mostly been abandoned due to their medical/physical handicaps.  No one from GPC dropped by as GPC is not allowed to tell anyone where Randy is as that information is private and confidential.  And GPC is suppose to be Randy's family.  What a joke.

Missey, Randy's resued doggie somehow got into my bag and extracted my small plastic bag containing my ID and bus pass as I just found it scattered of its contents with her teeth marks visible.  How can anyone be angry at such a beautiful dog. So I hugged her.

Since Randy has been at VGH because of reoccurring infections this past month, I am totally exhausted.  It is hard being a comfort advocate/spouse/companion at my close to 70 year old age.

In any event, since this month has been $costly I was hoping that some of you will drop off doggie food for Missie and little Owen, who was also a rescue.  Owen is a cute terri-poo as I can't even find the energy to go to the SPCA DTES food bank for food for the doggies which previously I would go biweekly to. The doggies are not fussy; they eat dry food, wet food, eggs, apples, cat food, cantaloupe, cucumber and green cabbage.

My address is 5976B Cambie Street (see yellow door) across from Safeway at Oakridge.


Thursday, November 1, 2012


I had occasion to speak to a lawyer yesterday and I was told that the reason for my banning from George Pearson Centre was because VCH has the right to control etiquette i.e. put me in my place.  You would think that since GPC is governed like a catholic boarding school which is reasonable as most of the nurses are from catholic backgrounds (countries)..  I see no other reason for the inhumane way Randy and I have been treated. When Randy was in a code blue I was told that I could only see Vancouver for one-half hour intervals guarded by security guards who previously beat me up because I dared trespass on hospital property.  How cruel and insulting. How can they force me to face the people that beat me up. What are they thinking.

Vancouver has over 200 languages spoken in Vancouver i.e. there are 200 different cultures, so which etiquette am I suppose to follow.

I still do not understand how I can be forced not to be with Randy at George Pearson Centre as GPC is his home (a residential care facility) and he pays rent.  It is like me paying rent for my apartment and the landlord restricts my visitors.


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