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Monday, August 30, 2021

30 August 2021

 It is 6:29 am, thirteen hours since I got home yesterday, I went to an outdoor town-hall meeting that was rather long, and it was too much for me. It took me an hour on transit each way.  I was so fatigued when I returned home that I had to sleep and I am still tired and need more sleep.Wrapping myself in a warm comforter awaiting death.  Getting old is not a good thing.


Monday, August 23, 2021

22 August 2021

 For most of yesterday August 22 2021 I felt a foreboding.  It was like the calm before a storm.  Late that day I received a communication that said my friend had died.  She, like me, had the dark experiences of dealing with the health authorities .... I will surely miss her..

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

18 August 2021

I am freezing cold, can only sleep, hope to get well soon.  Aug 18/21

It is 3:02 am .  I am soaking wet as my body is hot and wake with flashbacks.  I want to sleep so I do not have to remember..Aug 19/21

It is 6:40 am.  I just awoke.  Soaking wet.  My teeth hurt.  Neurological stress.  The pain is so intense my mind is closed. Aug 20/21

Wasted another day sleeping.  I am so tired..  Aug 21/21

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

It takes me a long time ...

It takes me a long time to see the trees for the forest. I was worried about the tress. The forest was overwhelming.  And  now I am angry and my PTSD is reliving everything. Every suspicion I could not deal with is now coming true.  

We as a society do not trust the government, the health authorities, the police, the schools, the media, lawyers, the church, our family, our friends, etc. The only thing left is the judiciary and they are not doing a very good job.  After we lose trust in the law, there is nothing left.

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