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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Stephanie Willett, what a vile person, her other emails are worse

 Stephanie is a youth probation officer working for the government.  This is the type of correspondence I get from her when I asked her a question that concerns our family.  How can a person like this work for the government making decisions about people's lives. She is fifty years old and I am 80. Doesn't the government psychologically test employees to make sure they are reasonably sane and are not destroying people's lives.

Stephanie Willett

Sat, Jan 18, 7:42 PM
to me

You ignorant bitch. If you didn't have your head stuck so far up your own ass you would have remembered January 13th is a very significant date. I did not have the energy to deal with your garbage so I ignored the email.

I could answer now, but I'm not going to. Maybe if you weren't so belittling by calling me stupid, ignorant, unethical, unprofessional, uncooperative and maybe if you hadn't claimed I deserve to be disinherited I would respond to your simple question. However, because you continue to choose to insult me I'm not going to answer you.

You would think, at your well developed age, that somebody, at some point, would have told you that you attract more bees with honey. Next time you want an ally, or even a simple answer, you should try to be less of an asshole.

I never asked this woman for anything, just information affecting our family.  Under WESA she has to communicate with me and she does not in a truthful way. And to think she is an officer of the court.

Upon researching her wile remarks, it is very common for those like Stephanie to stereotype/gaslight those they are associated with saying things that are not true. The victim questions their own self-worth and what would others think of her.  

Friday, February 7, 2025

February 7 2025

I was at a hearing today.  I should not have gone as I was not well.  Anyways I lost.  I did not do the right technical stuff.  

I feel that I was raped because I wore a short skirt.  

I do not know the details but then Candace true to form hasn't sent me a summary but then why should she.  We are suppose to be working together and Candace's idea of working together is to ignore me.  

Monday, February 3, 2025

February 3 2025 Kamloops hearing, a disappointment

 I was at a short hearing asking for an adjournment addressing among things false affidavits Jenny and Ron filed in the Kamloops Court house January 13 2025. That did not do seem to make a difference.  Canadace/Leah went on and on that the estate was being delayed. What a joke that is when, in fact, Jenny and her family wants the estate to be delayed so they could continue to live on the property rent-free for at least another year. Maybe longer as no one is going to buy the property unless it gets cleaned up as it smells like a barn. There would not be any delay if Jenny just resigned from being administrator because she was not qualified and she and her family were in a serious conflict of interest.  Procedurally due process was not done. Everthing was fine until Candace got hired telling Jenny that she could get more than what she was entitled to.What I do not understand is what does Ron expect to get out of this at this late date.  All the interested parties say they want the matter over with it.  How can that possibly happen. . And how can Candace and Leah who are officers of the court allow untruthful and irrelevant information to be part of affidavits filed in the court registry?  This information was included to distract from the fact that the estate is being defrauded. Both Candace and Leash should be disbarred.  We expect more from lawyers.   

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Constructive conspiracy to defraud an estate of money.

 I was told by a retired professional, there is nothing to stop an adminiatrator/executor from opening a trust account, put the proceeds of the sale of assets in it, then withdraw the money and run.. You do not even have to disappear, you can explain that the money was spent.  If there is no money what can the beneficiaries do. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

A trip to Kamloops

 I had to go to Kamloops on Sunday. It takes a lot of time even for such a short distance. One day travelling there, one day travelling back, and the days recovering after the hearing. I am still not over the exhaustion of it all. Being old is not the place to be. 

I am very angry over what is happening. Two lawyers in Kamloops are not being cooperative and I am finding myself having to go to Kamloops because they prefer not to allow me to consent to adjournments. They prefer the cost of going in front of a judge to get an adjournment rather than call me. They are going to get me, and at my age and my limited financial resources, they are. I cannot believe how vicious they are. They know you are vulnerable because of age and history and they do not care. It is their clients attacking me, not them, they are only following instructions. They know the law and they do not have to be kind. They wrote affidavits that their clients signed defaming me. I am sure their clients did not fully understand what they were signing as clients for the most part just sign affidavits because their lawyer told them to do it. Sign here, to get it over with., do not worry about perjury. Perjury is like shoplifting, everyone is doing it and there is no serious consequences. The affidavits contained outrageous ridiculous allegations which were not true. It is hard to describe my anger. The only thing I know is that I am stresed to the point I find it hard to do anything. And to add to the stress, my computer is not functioning the way it should. And using a computer at the library has limitations and is inconvenient.  

Friday, January 17, 2025

Another wasted day of my life

 After reading Jenny's affidavit that she was in good medical health, I went to her FACEBOOK looking for a recent photograph of her which was there showing her being extremely thin. Evidence to prove she was ill. It was taken during the time she told me that she was not well and she could not eat.  She was always tired and had no energy.  She spoke of her future being in a wheelchair.  

What is missing are all photographs of her, her family, her daughter's family, and in particular the wedding she attended when her daughter married into the current MLA for Kamloops' family.  Peter Milobar is into secrecy and confidentiality to the point that he cannot be trusted.  He also was the mayor of Kamloops for three terms.  I would not be surprised if he told Jenny to get rid of anything that could identify that Jenny is part of his family. I am fed up with secrecy to the point it is harmful.  And Candace who is Jenny's lawyer did huge work for the City of Kamloops. . That is why Jenny did not have to pay a $20,000 retainer to Candace, Lawyers are always doing free bono work for relatives of clients if the client is a corporate one with money, money, money. it is called connections. .  But Ron had to pay a $20,000 to Leah. 
I have always maintained that Jenny and I should co-administer the Estate. At the beginning Jenny wanted me to be the administrator and I agreed with the proviso if Jenny felt up to it we could co-administer the estate.  Everything would have been dealt with in an upfront clear manner.  Why was this so difficult.  No one could tell me why I could not be co-administer.. I was being judged by a pack of crazy people, no reason, just nothing.. I even proposed at one time that I, Jenny and Ron all of us be co-administrators. No. No. No.  The lawyers only wanted ONE administrator who they could bully.  It is easy to control a dumb naive client. And Candace made the decision that Jenny should be given an unfair portion of the estate.   

And when I tried to get a lawyer in Vancouver, ONYX said that I could not talk to my siblings and ONYX had a four month wait period before they would do anything. 

In the affidavit Candace said that the estate settlement agreement was not an agreement between Jenny and any other beneficiary.  So who was the agreement with;  It is nonsense.  What was the ;purpose of the estate settlement agreement.  If it wasn't among parties how could it be enforced.

When I read the agreement, it screamed at me that it was an open cheque book. And I would like to know why it took Candace and Leah four months to compose it.  There was a reference that it was all Ron's fault as he had issues with Jenny.  On December 21, 2023 he totally supported Jenny to be an administrator, and then he had issues with her being an administrator.  All of us as interested parties should know what issues they were so that we, each of us, could then know what is going on and not just wait and allow the open cheque book to unfold.  What issues did Jenny and Ron have that necessitated an estate settlement agreement.  Estate lawyers are so busy these days that once they snare you as a client you are put on a waiting list.  In this case it was always four months between anything being done.  It is not me, it is not the court registry, it is the lawyers that are causing delay.  I did not get seriously involved with the probate as I was waiting for Jenny to get a lawyer which I thought best to share.  Jenny's first lawyer lasted four month, Jenny's second lawyer lasted four month; and then with Candace the same thing, four months to put together the estate settlement agreement.  And then four months before I found out about the estate grant.  

I will always remember on May 10 2024 when Jenny told me that she was forced to do the P1 and agree to the estate settlement agreement.  She said that she could not stand the pressure any more. She was distraught, Who was pressuring her. When we first spoke in 2023, she said she wanted me to be the administrator as I was the oldest. I did the P1 to be the administrator then we waited for her to get a lawyer in Kamloops.  I want to know who pressured her. And the lawyer I hired in Mary 2024 was equally as bad.  He had me sign a retainer agreement and then nothing happened until after the estate grant was issued and then he says to me that it is too late to oppose Jenny being the administrator.  It did not matter if she was qualified or not, pressured or not.  Or the fact that Candace under stealth got the estate grant issued,  

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 From Jenny's facebook page, which is now deleted.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

the Probate Industrial Complex: Beware

 The Probate Industrial Complex. When lawyers create exorbitant fees. I recently was a party to a group of retired women and lawyer fees for estates were being discussed. Comments were made that some lawyers charge up to $1,000 an hour.

I then remembered Sherry Lund's opin talking of the probate industrial complex.
A Warning About the Probate Industrial Complex
By Sherry Lund
November 6, 2023
A well-organized crime wave is sweeping across this country, and it is positioned to devastate a generation. With baby-boomers holding one-half of the nation’s wealth, their money, homes, investments, and family treasures, all thought to be destined for loved ones, are in real danger of being swept into the possession and bank accounts of strangers. Families will be destroyed, life savings plundered, and homes sold out from under the owners with no recourse.
Why? Because in America today, a stranger can legally take control of your finances, remove you from your home, sell your assets, take away your rights including your right to vote, and separate you from your friends and family, despite objections, and profit from the entire horrific ordeal.
What started as a way to protect the vulnerable within the probate court system, has instead developed into a billion-dollar industry spawning the Probate Industrial Complex comprised of profiteers, called fiduciaries, guardians, guardian ad litem, doctors and conservators, who capitalize on unexpected illness, family dysfunction, and/or naivete and use their victims as an ATM. If it had not happened in my family, one of America’s most iconic names, I would have never believed it was true. For almost 14 years we struggled as my stepson, the grandson of Walt Disney, was held hostage to the greed and corruption of the Probate Industrial Complex. Our family was vexatiously attacked by attorneys with no evidence of wrongdoing, nothing short of court-condoned terrorism, slander and theft of assets. Our attorneys were punished by the court for zealously fighting for our rights.
Many years and tens of millions of dollars later, our case is over – but the lives I have witnessed left in the wake of destruction waged by these modern-day pirates, pillaging at will, is a cautionary tale, not to be ignored. The pattern and practice, often referred to as “The Playbook”, that these bad actors employ is quick, efficient, and effective at stripping the individual of their rights and separating them from their loved ones and their finances, all done without due process. This is human trafficking and racketeering at its finest.
The New York Times recently reported that the 73 million baby boomers, the oldest turning 80 this year, hold $78.3 trillion of the nation’s $140 trillion in assets. Now consider that because there are no national requirements for reporting how many Americans are in guardianship and conservatorship, or regulations protecting the money under management, the cases of abuse and corruption are well disguised and rarely prosecuted. What could possibly go wrong in this picture? With historically high amounts of wealth held within an aging population with minimal safeguards in place to protect them from being victimized by the Probate Industrial Complex, this situation demands action.
Many American families have a loved one who, due to injury or disease, can’t manage their day-to-day life. This is when folks often look to “professionals” for support. On the surface, all seems well when seeking out legal guidance. That is until it is not, and your world, your life, is no longer yours, visitation with your children and grandchildren is denied, the money you saved, and the home you worked hard to pay off, in hopes of living there until you die, then leaving it to your children, is now in the hands of a stranger. And it is happening all over our country in every probate court.
We may very well witness the largest transfer of wealth in American history, going from private individuals to court-appointed actors, not the family members or charities for which it was intended. Congress needs to act, and act quickly to put guardrails in place to prevent such piracy. Courts must be made to follow the laws and uphold the citizens’ Constitutional Rights. No one should be above the law.
Sherry Lund is a probate reform advocate and president of the Celebration Stem Cell Center.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Miss Snowflake

To Miss Snowflake.

I am reading 6k of the affidavit you wrote for Jenny.  I am 70 years old and I have not been diagnosed with any medical condition, physical or mental that impair my ability to perform my legal duties as the administrator of the Estate.  What clever use of words.  You miss the point.  What are her qualifications.  Does she know how to spell?  Jenny told me often that she was ill and did not want to be the administrator of the estate.  Now that Candace told her that she could rip off the estate and not pay any rent, then all of a sudden Jenny is in good physical and mental health.  Prior to Candace there never was mention that she and Sandford and her adult daughter and her adult husband and her adult  grandchildren could live on the property for free.  Jenny was not coerced that she could rip off the estate, she agreed because her lawyer said she could.  Dear Miss Snowflack, what clever wording.  

I also want to know why did you include the two letters from my lawyer in the affidavit.  My lawyer had nothing to do with what happened.  In fact nothing happened and that is why he is no longer my lawyer. He was told that my sister was not qualified to be the administrator and for him to make sure it did not happen  He did nothing and on June 27 2024 Jenny was made administrator, You got nothing else to do except pad affidavits with nonsense. This case is a perfect example of the probate industrial complex. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Rents in Canada


A three bedroom home in Vancouver rents for $4,380 before utilities.  

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Another bader Day

 I find it very hard to deal with each day.

It seems I am always having difficulties with my computers.

My husband used to say that the internet was going to be the death of us all.

I believe him.  All the time I spend trying to do computer work is always with its problems.

Like right now there is a line between each sentence.  I do not know what I did to get the computer to do 


Now, I have a bottle of apple juice and I can't twist the cap.  Getting old.  It takes strength to open bottles.

Earlier my screen was black and I couldn't do anything;

And then after a few hours I noticed the screen was live.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Another Bad Day

Another bad day.  I spent most of today and yesterday trying to make my computer workable.  No such luck.  I had to send my computer in for repair.  Last time it was in repair for three weeks.  It worked for a month and then it was in again.  Computers are so stressful.  I was wanting to type out a document and I do not think I will be able to do it as all my comments are lost and it will take me forever to reconstruct the information.   

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