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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thank you for the cards.

I want to thank all of you who sent me sympathy cards after Randy's death.  Each one of them were expensive cards with thoughtful comments.  They are still a comforting memory of Randy as I view them and reread the comments ... thank you.

I just got another card in the mail. You have no idea what a simple card means in these times of grieving.

VCH knew Ramdy was dying and yet they attempted to put a 100% ban on me visiting him based on consultants who would do anything to stay in the good reimbrusement guarantees from VCH.  Neither of them spoke to me and yet they decided I was a danger.  Randy had no one with him from Janaury 2014 to April 13 2014 except for short periods of time.  The police won't even get involved as there was no evidence to the hearsay hate promoted by GPC. The GPC mob has to remain a mob otherwise I would be vindicated  and they would be fired for unprofessional conduct or worst yet get promoted en mass.  All you have to do is read the pleadings to see how bizarre they are.  Nothing else for these professionals to do except spend four years persecuting me and denying Randy his right to see me.  Name one concrete thing I did that would harm anyone.  Nothing. Each incident was precipitated by GPC.


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