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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

the Vancouver Province and Elaine Peaston v. BC College of Physicians and Surgeons

I tried to find out more about Elaine Peaston vs BC College of Physicians and Surgeons (see post August 29 2015) and I searched the Province newspaper for her name.  Quess what.  I could not find it in the Province search function.  It is gone like it never was there.  It reminded me of wanting to find out what happened to Mary Turner in 2013.  I put an ad in the Prince George paper and it was to be on-line.  I could not find it.   VCH knew I wanted to know what happened to Mary and now Elaines litigation is not on its database.  When I checked the court registry on Randys case to find Dr. Dunnes Affidavit and the Affidavit of Kip Woodwards secretary, both were missing.  Is this called damage control. Well, I can only speculate that the medical establishment seems to have tremendous power with the courts and the press.

I feel vomitoid.

PS Sept 2 2015, I found the Province article on a post. Elaines segment had  5,322,247 page views. So much for damage control. I hope she is aware of what happened was read by millions.  Why cannot doctors tell the truth and then there would be no need for risk management departments to hide the truth (evidence). To think the College of Physicians and Surgeons might have gone that far to protect itself.  But then it might have been Elaine who did not want it in the newspapers.  I do not know. 

What tangled webs we weave when we set out to deceive.

from Voice of Gone Ballistic blog September 1 2015
Audrey Jane Laferriere
5976 Cambie Steet
Vancouver, BC
amended 3 Septemer 2015

see partners with Guns N'Roses Lead Guitarist DJ Ashba, search Elaine Peaston

page views at September 4, 2015 at 7;00 pm :5,336,289

How many of you are aware of what is happening to Planned Parenthood in the United States.  It is going to be the end of Hillary Clinton.  Planned Parenthood is a non-profit but it gets half of its yearly $billion budget from the US government to do abortions.  It also sells aborted baby parts (see videos).  I can not find any information on this aspect of Planned Parenthood in the Canadian media but it is on the internet and LifeNews is a good source.The President of Planned Parenthood and her high level executives who are not even doctors make more money than the President of the United States.






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