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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I am in big trouble.

I have to download 67,381 emails from google and it is not that easy. You cannot push a button and it will happen.    So if any of you know how I can achieve this quickly, please let me know.   I do not need the emails, only the index for 67,381 emails,  I am been struggling with thsi for weeks.  You can only cut and paste one page at a time from google mail.  That is only 25 addresess per page..  Then you cut and paste them into a word document which is not that easy.   Pages goes missing as you google back and forth.  And after a rew thousand cut and past jobs the computer is so slow I might has well be doing it by hand.  I have a hired a data base person who is trying to quicken ths process and adapt applications so the emails can be sorted as to relevancy. Then if this is successful, then it has to be sorted as to date.  After that I am not sure how that information  can be printed.  You still have 67,351 entries that has to be printed.  Thatt is, 2,696 pages. Each page would be its own documents.  So it would take forever to print. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pleading April 2 2014

For years I could not read the pleadings from when VGHA wanted to get a restraining order so I would never be able to access any VCHA properties. The wordsmithing was so hurtful and untrue. The allegations were so so off the Bell curve...

I was rereading just now paragraph 17 of the Petition.  You cannot make this up but a $800 an hour lawyer did .This lawyer was hired by VCHA to tell the truth to the court.... he is an officer of the court.

17.  One particular example of Ms. Laferriere'e violent and aggressive behavior occurred on October 21 2013.  On that day, Ms. Laferriere trespassed into the room of a resident other than Mr. Walker at GPC.  When asked to leave the facility, Ms. Laferriere refused, then later attempted to leave the facilty with Mr. Walker in his electric wheelchair.  Staff prevented Ms. Laferriere from removing Mr. Walker, and in response, Ms. Laferriere punched two staff members,attempted to hit staff with Mr.Walker's electric wheelchair, and bite the hand of a security guard.  Ms. Laferriere later punched a police officer in the face.

note # 1:  I had an invitation to enter Carolanne's space
note # 2:  I never punched anyone; I was pushing them away
note # 3:  no electric wheelchair (a serious weapon)
note # 4:  Mr. Walker wanted to go home
note # 5.  I could not have bitten a security guard as I had no teeth capable of doing so
note # 6:  the police denied me punching them
note # 7:  it was I who phoned the police
note # 8:  I wanted to criminally charge VCHA staff with assaulting me

How is this violent and aggressive behavior.

Unfortunately, whatever a lawyer says in his pleadings a court as in this case for a restraining order has to believed. The court assumed the lawyer did an investigation prior to pleadings his case.  How could I disprove these allegatins within two days.  It was my word against his. The court would believe a lawyer firstly as he is an officer of the court.  No matter what, this document is a matter of public record and an affront to me and the defamation is there forever.

My husband was in acute/intensive care dying while they are doing this.  They did not care about my husband.  This exercise was to ban me forever from entering VCHA for life.  For what end, I do not know.  This is an abuse of the judicial system at its worse.

Monday, September 11, 2017


It is written in the rules of court that a pleading must not contain the evidence by which the facts alleged in it are to be proved.  Does that mean a petitioner can distort/lie and get away with it.  An alleged fact might not have ever happened. To disprove it a respondent would have to commence an expensive legal exercise.

Or a fact's proportionality was ridiculous: an outlier.

Lawyer's wordsmithing at its finest:  Paragraph 6.  Mr. Walker purportedly signed a Representation Agreement. The implication of which is that I forged such a document making me the representative for health care.  VCHA neglected to say that the document was prepared by a lawyer although they had contacted the lawyer to determine if in fact he had prepared the Representation Agreement.  This is dangerous speak as what happens if a Petition is put in front of a judge like what happened to me, it creates an impression that I am a "scalet woman." Anything to discredit me.

And when it was discovered that I had a Will naming me beneficiary of Randy's estate, the legality of the Will was questioned.  The Will was executed in 2008.

Defamation in pleadings are not actionable.  I am not sure maybe they could be or should be.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Case Planning Conference 5 September 2017

I attended the Case Management Conference.  It was very stressful.

Although according to SCR 5-2(7) CPCs are designed to foster full and candid discussions about all aspects of the action in which the conference is held, this did not happen.  Although I had points I wanted to discuss, I was not allowed to. Points that came to mind in the middle of the night.  I had to force talk about a court order that VCHA was suppose to have forwarded to me two months ago which VCHA did not.  In fact today the lawyer said that it was not even sent to the court for signature by the judge.  I am getting stormed at by a judge for failure to do what I was suppose to do but he did not storm at the lawyer for failing to do what he was supposed to do so I would know what I was suppose to do as per the Order.  At the June 29 2017 CPC I asked that the Order be sent to me by email and also by Canada Post. The judge agreed.  Neither happened.

I personally do not trust Canada Post or email when something is important. Murphy's rule, when something might go wrong, it will.  But at least by using two methods a litigant has a better chance of getting important documents.

Over the past three months, I attended chambers as an observer and lawyers would get default judgment orders because a party did not show up at an application. If you give only one address and you miss reading an email or a letter sent by post is delayed then if a party does not show up at a hearing, he loses.  Costs are awarded. In one case, the plaintiff only issued the notice of civil claim and after that she abandoned it.  The judge dismissed the case and gave the corporate defendant $8,000 costs. The plaintiff was a before kindergarden teacher at $15.00 an hour.  None of the lawyers ever said that they did anything extraordinary to contact the party like phone him to remind him of an upcoming application.  Winning by default, is not winning.  It only brings anger and distrust of the legal system.  How can you win or not win at litigation.  Everyone loses nor matter who wins.

Some of the same happened to me on March 12 2017.  I had to go to chambers on an application the next day.  I was stressed and I was fearful that I would sleep in.  So I decided that since this was VCHA's application that he could phone me and make sure I was coming.  I reasoned that it would be in the best interest of all parties that I attend at the hearing.  It was such an naive assumption.  After sending him an email to ask him to phone me at 8:00 am, he sent me a reply saying that he was not going to do that. This 28-year old lawyer was teaching me tough love.  I was born in 1945. So I had to force myself to stay awake all night.  Because I was tired and stressed, I came across at the hearing as incoherent and disorganized.  I lost.  I walked out of the hearing not knowing what was said. Subsequently, for another reason, the action became moot.  So it did not matter what happened in the March 13 2017 hearing.


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