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Monday, January 13, 2020

the litigation

The Hasson Diab case.  He is suing the government for $90 million dollars for intentional infliction of emotional distress and breaches of charter rights. Exactly what happened to me.

And I like Diab initially only wanted a proper investigation of the allegations.

These harms extend to what a health authority will do with the aid of other government bodies like the public guardian and trustee and WorkSafe and an expert psychologist who never talked to me and an expert in security who was on the monthly payroll of VCHA who robbed me of my rights arrived by them from gossip and the want of VCHA.

My husband's lawyer told VCHA that he was of the opinion that I might not look after my husband's finances properly so VCHA arranged with the public guardian and trustee to revoke my husband's enduring power of attorney.

I never had access to my husband's money as this lawyer had it and when I asked him for help to get additional nursing/companion support for him at George Pearson Centre he refused.  After all this time Mr. Doig still has not given me an accounting of what he did with Randy's money.  He did not even give an accounting to the public guardian and trustee. The agenda of the public guardian and trustee in collusion with VCHA was to remove me as my husband's guardian and Mr. Doig helped them. 

And then there was Dr. Dunn who insisted that it was not his decision to put a DNR on Randy but rather it was VCHA's. Therefore he did not get Randy's permission. A little known secret is that a patient doe not have to agree to a DNR.  DNRs are used to hasten death by not providing treatment to help a patient live.  I was there when I saw my husband in respiratory distress and no medical person would help him because he had a DNR on him.  I saved his life by calling 911.  He lived six more months.  He could have lived longer but I had no access to him as VCHA and WorkSafe had me banned from all VCHA facilities in 2014 and that banning is still in effect.

One does not have to look at international abuses of rights, you can find them in your own backyard.

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