On Thursday February 20 2010 I had an unpleasant experience at court. I can't understand why Dr. James Dunne can't just say that he was forced by Vancouver Coastal Health Authority to put a DNR Order on my husband. He is of retirement age so nothing can happen to him. And when I asked Dr. Dunne in front of a witness to take the Order off, he refused. He said it was not his decision to make. Physicians are independent and not subject to do what the health authority thinks best for its bottom line.
Why is it so difficult for him to tell the truth.
Gone ballistic scenarios. Activist by default. audreyjlaferriere@gmail.com phone: 604-321-2276,do not leave voice mail http://voiceofgoneballistic.blogspot.com 207-5524 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 3A2 Everything posted I believe to be true. If not, please let me know.