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Sunday, June 18, 2023

Privacy again

This past week I spoke with two persons who like me had troubles with the health authorities a decade ago. Each of us experienced trauma because Vancouver Health Authority would not share information with us.  If the health authority thinks you are discrediting them, there is no help. Not from the media, not from physicians, not from advocacy organizations, nothing.  A reporter told they would not run my story as I would be harmed. If you have no money for lawyers, then they will show you the door.  And if you have money, they take your money until you have none and then show you the door.  Resources are limited and the law deters to the health authorities. Think a trusted person would never molest a child.  At the end you only have regret and silent anger. The pattern of their behavior is so obvious, like they are following a flow chart.  When my litigation was dismissed because my lawyer did not follow the rules, and I could not represent myself; the lawyers for VCH et al, all rejoiced in the courtroom leaving me bewildered. And the judge did not condemn them for their mal behavior.But then in her hurried departure, maybe she did not notice. Neither did she entertain my plea for an adjournment. Granting an adjournment would not have been necessary if the litigators for the health authority et al would have consented.  Why would VCHA want the litigation dismissed. You would think they would welcome transparency and an open forum. 


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