Gone ballistic scenarios. Activist by default. audreyjlaferriere@gmail.com phone: 604-321-2276,do not leave voice mail http://voiceofgoneballistic.blogspot.com 207-5524 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 3A2 Everything posted I believe to be true. If not, please let me know.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2024
MAID in Canada!
Computer Nerd
I have finally found the term to use whenever I am confronted with instructions to consult to go to a web page to find an answer that most probably I will not find as I am not a computer nerd and I do not speak computer nerd language. My time is worth money and I resent corporations downloading their customer service to the customer's frustration. Try sending an email to the mayor of Vancouver or the chief of police or finding their phone numbers. Try navigating Rebel News.
Friday, March 22, 2024
The arrest of David Menzies/Income discrimination in housing
This morning when I woke up in a state of anxiety I reviewed David Menzies' arrest of January 8 2024 and his arrest of March 15 2024. It was a travesty. The cops knew they were being filmed by Rebel News and they still did the arrests. What an embarrassment for Canada. I wonder how many hits the videos got. Their bad behavior will be forgotten but David's reputation will be tainted forever. Was he guilty of assaulting a police officer, was he guilty of obstructing police. Who is going to go to the trouble of researching/looking at the videos. Guilty or not, he is tainted as the public would think why would the police charge anyone unless that person was guilty.
I do not know why I even bother to view my emails Each day there is something that I personally relate to causing me to be annoyed. This time it was about a woman in Campbell River (Vancouver Sun March 21 2024) She is looking for a new rental and she can't find one because she is not eligible as her income is not enough. Her income is $2,500 a month and the rental is $1,600. That means unless you are a high earner, market housing does not have to accept you as a tenant if you have a low income. Why is it any concern of a landlord to know what your income is as long as you pay your first and last month's rent and the security deposit. This is blatant discrimination by income. We are talking about shelter that is or should be a human right, not a credit card application. It is up to the renter to determine if he can pay the rent or not. There is no reason for a landlord to know what your salary is. What happened to confidentiality.
As a side note: Like social housing, market housing should be rent based on household income. Those that rent cheap housing but make a high income should pay 1/3 of their household income for rent. 1/3 of $21,000 (annual rent) is $7000; 1/3 of $99,000 is $33,000. Those that live in cheap housing will quickly upgrade leaving the cheaper housing available to low-income households. I personally know of no one who pays more than 1/3 of their income on rent. But I know those that have paid cash for a new $80,000 car and have $500,000 in their bank accounts while paying $1,000 a month rent. Those that have lived in the same apartment for over ten years. I would live in a rent controlled apartment if I could bank $33,000 a year.
A solution for the government is to tax household income after rent. That can be done by taking 1/3 of a householder's income less his rental payment. If a tenant is paying $1,000 a month and the household has $150,000 a year (or more) income, the difference 1/3 of $150,000 = $50,000, then $50,000 less $12,000 (rent to owner) = $38,000 additional disposal income. The household pays 1/3 of its income for housing, and there is $100,000 left, enough to live comfortably. This meets the metric that rent should not be more than 1/3 of household income. The government should legislate that they get the difference ($38,000 ) and can use this money to increase the stock of housing for the poor and new immigrants.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Monday March 18 2024: Canada recognizes Hamas ...
go to Rebel News and find if you can the podcast by Ezra
Trudeau's Liberal-NDP cabal vies to become Canada's leading pro-Hamas government
Tue, March 19 2024I am not sure what the headline means, but it sounds BAD.
I am convinced that Rebel News has a plan to make sure its news does not reach most of us.What they present is so confusing. This podcast is hidden under SHOWS, then under Ezra Levant.Or go to Latest, Canada.
It looks like it is hidden behind a paywall but it isn't as I was able to click on it and the click worked.Find the podcast if you can. It should be required listening for everyone.
On March 18 2024 our government decided to ,,,,
Within the podcast it was mentioned that Canada admitted 2.1 million new persons into Canada. No one should be admitted here unless they have a place to live.That means at least 500,000 new homes.
Hamas provides its own statistics, so we have to believe them.
Side Note: Did you know that CRIMINAL charges can be made against a police officer if they knowingly arrested someone without proper grounds, they could be charged with obstruction of justice or fabricating evidence.(i.e. without reasonable grounds or with faulty evidence). Someone please tell David Menzies.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Hasn't seen a tree in two years
Chris Carbert one of the Coutts Four blockage who was arrested said to Ezra Levant that he hasn't seen a tree in two years. He has been in jail in Lethbridge, Alberta. What happened to the concept of a speedy trial, or bail. See video Rebel News: Ezra Levant interviews the mother of one of the Coutts Four. Two years without seeing a tree. What the hell is going on.
EXCLUSIVE: Ezra Levant interviews the mother of one of the Coutts Four
By Ezra Levant
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Rebel News Latest David Menzies Arrested
SEARCH: Rebel News, tab to Latest, read URGENT: Toronto Police Just Arrested David Menzies 15 March 2024.
You hear about the police being idiots, but now there is proof. In Canada, there is no law that says you have to produce an ID except when driving a motor-vehicle.
Since David did not produce his ID within a timely matter i.e. seconds, he was criminally charged with obstructing the police. They arrested him and disappeared him. No one knows where he is.
But you have to look a little bit deeper, see the attitude of the police officer. It is what I tell you.
50,000 Muslims live in Toronto and they can exercise their right to pray in public (a ten-minute prayer ritual five times a day). No ID required. But David has to produce ID or be arrested.
This is even worse than the reasoning for the secular law passed in Quebec (Bill 21) last month where government employees that are in positions of influence (like teachers) cannot wear religious grab but members of parliament can wear brightly coloured designer turbans (like Jagmeet Singh) to confuse.
Church and State have to be separate.
The video has to be watched: the horror of the state coming down on David, taking away his freedom by a nonsense charge. If the police can do this to David for not producing his ID, they can disappear each of us.
We cannot trust the police.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Love this.
April 12 2024
Awoman ended up giving birth outside the locked doors of the Sainte-Croix hospital in Drummondville, Que., early Tuesday morning in a turn of events Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé has since called "unacceptable."
The woman, her husband and two-year-old son mistakenly showed up at the hospital's main entrance instead of heading to the emergency department, a five-minute walk away.
A security guard working inside the building spotted the family and tried redirecting them with hand signals but did not open the door. It wasn't until a patient alerted staff on the fifth floor that two nurses rushed outside to help the woman as she gave birth on a park bench.
In a statement to Radio-Canada, authorities at the CIUSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec said they're looking into what happened. They said the security guard "was removed from work for failing to assist in this situation" and will no longer be assigned to any of their facilities.
The vice-president of the security agency Radar Sécurité, Éric Cantin, said the employee did not properly evaluate the situation. "From his point of view, he didn't see the distress in the person's behaviour," he told Radio-Canada.
Dubé said hospital authorities have apologized to the woman and her family and have put in place clarifying measures.
The hospital says the main entrance is always locked overnight for security reasons and that no other incidents have been reported in relation to this. Patients at that entrance can also communicate with staff through an intercom.
Still, the hospital says it will modify its signs so they clearly indicate to patients where to go when the doors are locked.
My comment: All front entrances of hospitals should be open 24/7. Front entrances are a beacon. In five minutes a person could be dead. A five-minute WALK...
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Never ending ...
I am fed-up with technology, another day, another problem.
I was needing to get some cash to pay for a lawyer and when I inquired how can I borrow money from my credit card, I was told that I had no credit available. Unbeknown to me in December 2023 the credit card company changed my address for billing from a physical address to on-line. I was not getting paper statements. So on top of everything else my source of emergency funds is no longer available. I need a lawyer and I have no funds
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Tech problems
I have been having a lot of problems with my tech devices. Hours and hours are wasted. I wonder what would happen if the World Wide Web went down. Civilization as we know it would be over.