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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Rebel News Latest David Menzies Arrested

SEARCH:  Rebel News, tab to Latest, read URGENT: Toronto Police Just Arrested David Menzies 15 March 2024.

You hear about the police being idiots, but now there is proof.  In Canada, there is no law that says you have to produce an ID except when driving a motor-vehicle. 

Since David did not produce his ID within a timely matter i.e. seconds, he was criminally charged with obstructing the police. They arrested him and disappeared him.  No one knows where he is.

But you have to look a little bit deeper, see the attitude of the police officer. It is what I tell you. 

50,000 Muslims live in Toronto and they can exercise their right to pray in public  (a ten-minute prayer ritual five times a day).  No ID required.  But David has to produce ID or be arrested.

This is even worse than the reasoning for the secular law passed in Quebec (Bill 21) last month where government employees that are in positions of influence (like teachers) cannot wear religious grab but members of parliament can wear brightly coloured designer turbans (like Jagmeet Singh) to confuse. 

Church and State have to be separate.  

The video has to be watched: the horror of the state coming down on David, taking away his freedom by a nonsense charge.  If the police can do this to David for not producing his ID, they can disappear each of us.

We cannot trust the police.  


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