I wish I knew how to move among social medias. In this case Vancouver Sun November 12 2024 reported that a 89 year old woman is facing eviction because a visitor of hers stold a pop can. Our society has gone crazy by allowing idiot janitors who are given powerby BC Housing to inflict harm to others because they can and in this case I am sure the unions protect them. Or worse yet a board of directors.
I hope this causes an uproar over the abuses that BC Housing and non-profit housing providers do against tenants. Policing functions being downloaded to janitors is all too common. We are defunding the police and letting pricks run the world. No tenant should be subject to such cruelty by BC Housing, a government authority. In any event, punishment should fit the crime. A visitor steals a soda can, and the tenant gets evicted. If you steal a can of soda from London Drugs you do not get evicted from your home but maybe that is the next step in our evolution for law and order. This is not North Korea where one dissenter says something and his family for three generations gets imprisoned. Where the fuck are the housing advocates. They are all in the clear because this old woman took a soda can which clearly is a criminal offence and she should be sentenced to the streets. Security cameras caught her. Security cameras are for serious offences and only the police can use them as evidence. So how was this non-profit able to use them in a residential tenancy action? The Chos should be suing all the idiots involved. The stupidity is there. In fact a Me2 movement should start and a class action started to include all the tenants who have been evicted/blacklisted by housing authorities who cause emotional and financial harm to tenants no matter their age. This over a fucking soda can. The world is going crazy and I feel I am going crazy as well.
audreyjlaferriere@gmail.com 778 689 2276