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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nothing has Changed

The other day at the Oakridge bus stop I mentioned to one of the RN in Randy's Ward who was waiting for the bus that Randy is going to be angry at me as I am very late.  She didn't say anything but I noticed her inching away from me to being fifteen feet away.  It didn't connect.  At 57th after exiting from the bus with this RN who was walking more than a few feet behind me on the public sidewalk to the entrance of GPC and at the 7th tree I tumbled from the sidewalk head first and fell. : the sidewalk was sixty years old, it was uneven and I was wearing sloppy shoes.  As I laid on the grass next to the sidewalk not knowing if I was injured or not the RN from the Oakridge bus stop walked pass me without even inquiring if I was okay.  I could not believe it. A RN, a nurse, someone who I see whenever she is on shift, Randy's sometimes charge nurse, and she just walked by.  If she can't greet or help an old lady in distress I wonder what she is doing to the residents at GPC.  I know there are some good people at GPC but I would like to know who they are. During the 2.5 years I have been going to GPC no one has shown me any real  kindness...I wonder how many patients/residents at GPC are likewise treated by this nurse in the same manner. But then no one would see her behavior since patients are in private rooms or hidden behind mostly closed curtains in open wards which wards are designed so that staff can see all the patients from a glance but when the curtains are closed then no one can see no evil, heard no evil, speak no evil..  Relying on S02 meters should not the accepted method to use when a patient needs suctioning.  The SO2 is a default and subject to equipment failure and in Randy's case he rarely has his SO2 meter on during the day or his humidifier on during the day putting him at risk.. Using the humidifier keeps his secretions thin so they do not plug up preventing him from breathing. .Randy can't talk so he can't even call for help as his call bell is hung up behind his headboard out oh his reach, so he could not even reach it if he had to. All hospital wards should be videoed and audioed so every movement and conversation can be heard.  In Jails every thing is videoed so why not hospitals. When you go to a retail store you are under surveillance.There are cameras on transit vehicles.  Residents are not asked if they want to be under surveillance or not (patients do not even have this protection) it is up to the hospital.  You would think that Risk Management would be insisting on such measures to protect the integrity of health care.




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