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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mystery Solved

The mystery is solved.  A nurse telephoned me and said that that is what nurses on shift do.  She would do it whenever she had to write a letter ... before there were smart phones.  Now the puzzle of my banning is starting to make sense.  Staff doesn't want anyone around especially someone like me who visited Randy every day. 

So that is what Whilley has on the staff at GPC: I won't say what staff is really doing as long as no one objects to me sleeping at GPC on my own comfortable lounger (drapped in sheepskin). He was doing this for six years. I think this is a blatant example of corruption in full sight.

The banning of myself from GPC has had a devastating effect on me.  It was orchestrated by the staff on Ward 2 and Whilley.  I still remember Whilley telling me that a petition was being signed to get me banned from GPC.  I was terrified. I will never forget the injustice of it all.  Whilley is still there as well as the staff when I got banned.  No one spoke to defend me.  Even now no one speaks for  me.

Now I have become a monster:.  a true advocate for the disabled, the elderly, the ailing and for those that have been blind sighted to agree to any form of advanced directive. A proponent for the sanctity of  life. ..

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