The officer refused saying that it was a civil matter. When is imprisoning a person a civil matter. The police did not even go inside to ask Randy if he was ijmprisoned or not. Neither the police nor the security guard would read the letter.
If Randy is so ill that he can't be transported to the sidewalk for a five minute visit then I should be allowed to be at his bedside.
Whatever VGH is alledging is an abuse of power and now the police are helping them..
Mar 7 (2 days ago)
| This visits were only for a few minutes on the curbsidewalk and they are even stopping them. Why is Randy under security he can't run away or even talk. They won't even let me talk to him on the telephone. What are they trying to prove. Are they using psychological warfare to drive Randy mad. You would think so.What quality of life can a bunch of dysfunctional health care providers can provide Randy. They must be dysfunctional when they can't even see how much Randy needs some quality of life rather than the ceiling to stare at. | ||
Hi Audrey,
be aware that Dr. Dunne does not feel that Randy is well enough
medically to go outside of GPC for the visits that you are requesting.
He has written an order stating that Randy is “not to be off the unit
except for physio and Living room under supervision”. As such, your
visit today as well as any future curbside visits will be cancelled. We
will inform you if and when this order is changed and these visits can
resume. Thank you.
Richard Singleton
Director, Client Relations and Risk Management