Dr says he has plateaued. However truth is his
health is fragile, he can't be expected to live a long time, he should be
allowed to spend his remaining time with his loved one = you. You spend time
with him and talk to him and lavish attention on him. They(GPC) sure are not
going to do that. Why should this poor man be deprived of his only
companion and the only person who cares for him as a family member during the
short time he has left. It is inhuman to keep the two of you apart. (quote from a friend)
Randy (1956) did not consent to a
Do Not Resuscitate Order
15 November 2013
By stealth VCH doctors
put it on his chart
as he gets frequent pneumonia
that is costly to treat
as he gets frequent pneumonia
that is costly to treat
Randy gets critical and I am called
18 November 2013 @ 11:20 pm
I was told Randy is dying
He was actively dying when I arrived
Wife calls 911 to the dismay of staff
Chaos erupts at GPC
Randy recovers at VGH
Randy is still fragile and dying
And I should accept it
this I was told by GPC
And I should accept it
this I was told by GPC
The banning is beyond cruelty
each time he hears my name, he cries
VCH actions are inexcusable and cruel
no matter the kindergarten justification
the banning must be lifted before he dies
each time he hears my name, he cries
VCH actions are inexcusable and cruel
no matter the kindergarten justification
the banning must be lifted before he dies
Wife 100% banned from all VCH properties
For being disrespectful to staff
There is no basis for staff to be afraid of anything
All my blog entries are factual and now
All my blog entries are factual and now
VCH wants to ban my voice
Phone Kip Woodward (Chairman of VCH) 604.682.7661/604.875.4111
Phone your MLA
Phone your church
Phone your media
Phone your friends
Phone your media
Phone your friends
5976 CambieStreet Vancouver BC V5Z 3A9 March 21 2014
I need public support so please call someone. If I am being denied access while my husband it dying, it could happen to you as well. No oneshould not be prevented from being with their
husband while he is hospitalized..The frivolous issues they are using are not
in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice because they are
arbitrary, overbroad and grossly disproportionate in its effect. I have done nothing to harm anyone. I want to see Randy as is my right and do my duty as his fiduciary.