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Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Most Dangerous Person in the State

To Hyfeland, it was not up to the doctor to decide whether the patient was "happy or unhappy, worthwhile or not." Should the doctor make these decisions, "the consequences would be unforeseeable and the doctor could well become the most dangerous person in the state."

Rationing of care based on quality of life as decided by the doctors is happening now in our hospitals. They rationed Randy's care to hasten his death. .They won't even let me see him until I got a supreme court order so I could watch him die.

According to the internet Euthanasia is illegal in China and Russia (abortions are legal).

Where is Mary Turner.  Is she alive, is she dead, is she in Alberta.  I am thinking of going  to  the police and report her missing.  They would have to locate her and determine if I the person who saved her life would like to see me.  I think so.


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