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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Patients Donot have to agree to DNRs.

I have to keep educating any new audience as to why this nightmare is happening.  Although the BCMA has a DNR form called "No Cardioipulmonary Resuscitation" form for the general public, it has to be signed by the patient.

However, Vancouver Coastal Health has its own "laws" and a form that says only a doctor has to sign a DNR.  No patient; no surrogate; no witness.  So whatever I speak I speak with the truth as I have experienced it.

11:15 a.m. postscript:
I just read the instructions to patient/family attached to the BCMA form it states If you live in a residential care facility (GPC), your doctor and care team will help you and/or your legal representative to make choices and plans abut the end of life.  Dr. Dunne would put on a DNR and he would never include me in the conversation.  And to think the social worker who is an officer of the court would not tell me as well. I was Randy's substitute decision maker and I should have been aware.  At the bottom of the form it says that it was developed in conjunction with the BCMA.  The form was issued by the Ministry of Health for British Columbia which I would speculate would mean that it is a government legal directive.

The form can be found at

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