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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Demo # 1 at George Pearson Centre

For close to a year I have been trying to see a resident at George Pearson Centre and I was always told that the patient was NOT up-to-it.  The last e-mail I got from Risk Management said that CarolAnn does not want to see me.  It has been close to a year and I do not believe Richard Singleton, Director of Risk Management.

Since I can't access George Pearson Centre I decided I would do up a sign so that someone would get a message to CarolAnn to say that I was on the sidewalk boulevard.  The sign said:  TELL CAROL ANNE THAT I MISS HER.  Innocent enough even if she doesn't want to see me I wanted her to know that I have not abandoned her.  She is a quad and she can't speak.

To make the situation a bit tense, Paladin Security, the security company that has taken over the security of all Vancouver Coastal Health properties and the one that really hurts is that Paladin and their lack of understanding basic law is even in the court house, approached me and threatened to call the police as I was harassing patients.  What patients.  No one asked me about my sign and I was on a public sidewalk..

That reminds me whatever happened to my complaint of October 21, 2013, wherein the security guard, Karen Marshall, put a choke hold on me when I was acting in self-defense over the hysterics of two nurses: one who was tired and the other spiteful. 

And there is Cheryl, Randy's nurse at that time, who saw me fall on the sidewalk when I was going to visit Randy and I wasn't able to get up. She walked by me without even inquiring if I was okay.  No I wasn't okay.  Whatever happened to her and my complaint. I suspect because the fall happened on public property she was under no obligation to help me.

I have come to the conclusion that Vancouver Coastal Health is a totalitarian state, with its own police force, ruled by star chamber justice.


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