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Thursday, October 13, 2016

How mean GPC was

I came across a memo dated February 2014 saying that a friend of mine and Randy's who was visiting Randy was told that he was not allowed to use his cell phone so Randy could hear my voice because Randy was not allowed to communicate with me.  This is how George Pearson Centre behaves.  Outrageous.  My bereavement over Randy's death is now escalating into a slow rage, justifiably so.  Who told Ro Ang to do this.  Ro Ang is the manager of George Pearson Centre and she caused us much pain and demoralisation and robbed us of being together during the last  months of his life. She managed to get me banned from George Pearson Centre. The staff was afraid of me as I might take a picture of them.  I could not see Randy. Instead of discussing any concerns she had, she reported me to the Public Guardian and Trustee. Why.  Randy was dying and she created a summit conference in January 2014 with the PGT to make sure I never saw Randy alive again.  And we must not forget that she was advised by VCH's lawyers that it was okay to do this. This woman did not even attempt to manage the situation. What did Richard say, zero tolerance.  I was 70-years old then. What did I do that was so grievous. What was grievous was Ro refusing to give me one of Randy's baseball caps (Steelers) so I could put it in his coffin.  No, that was not possible I was told because the cap was Randy's and not mine.  And, just as grievous was she would not let me go to Randy's memorial service or talk to any of Randy's friends.  Immediately after VCH had a meeting with the PGT in January 2014, I was 100% banned. These agencies are good at endorsing each other's recommendations "consults" that they can do what they want hyperbolized with "on the advice of its lawyer." The Public Guardian and Trustee supposedly an independent semi-judicial body, it is a body that has unique statutory powers, but it seems to do exactly what VCH expects of them.   Randy was a quad, could not talk as he had a tach, and he was often unresponsive because he was depressed.  They never asked me if Randy was depressed so they labelled him incompetent.  Of course, Randy would be depressed as he knew he was dying and he was prevented from seeing me.  Ro had a vindictive agenda, a path to ensure that I would never see Randy again. I can see her and her co-workers going to Whistler on a paid retreat to discuss me wanting to visit Randy and how to prevent it. Lamenting over drinks. I caught social workers laughing at me behind my back.  Perhaps, GPC concurred that it was in Randy's best interest to be divorced from me. That was not up to her to decide, it was up to Randy.  And to think she is still employed robbing others of their rights. Egregiously, mean.  But then she was of the opinion that Randy had no quality of life and that he should have a DNR/DNT on him. DNRs are dangerous as they can hasten death.

Help needed to tenant "teardowns"

One of my concerns is the lack of affordable rental housing.  In the Cambie, Granville, Oakridge neighbourhoods, there are hundreds of teardowns are vacant and could be rented even for a short period of time.  I was told that we should contact City Hall.

I have drafted out the following and if you so want can you call 311 and voice your opinion.

On Cambie I know of ten rental homes/houses on ONE block that are vacant because the new owners want to demolish them and rebuild.  The new owner might just want to flip them as it is easier to resell if the property is vacant. Or there maybe other reasons.

Such homes could be rerented until all the permits are issued which could take years. The may be  proposed $10,000 City fine for vacant units will not apply to teardowns. The vacant tax is designed for long term rentals not teardowns.

These homes are vacant, some are boarded up, they are an invitation to be vandalized, and for arson. Empty homes are a public safety issue.  A danger that the public purse will pay for.

The Riley Park housing complex (Little Mountain) was demolished eight years ago and it is still not developed.

Short term rentals would be good for students and families who are in housing transition.

Phone 311 "feedback" and ask 311 to message "Mayor and Council" and the "Housing Department." Say you want the teardowns to be rented until legitimate construction starts. Or email:

Every call is put into the 311 data base for statistical purposes. 311 is open seven days a week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

My cousin and the Power of Attorney Act

There it is:

19(3An attorney must do all of the following:
( ato the extent reasonable, give priority when managing the adult's financial affairs to meeting the personal care and health care needs of the adult;
( bunless the enduring power of attorney states otherwise, invest the adult's property only in accordance with the Trustee Act;
( cto the extent reasonable, foster the independence of the adult and encourage the adult's involvement in any decision-making that affects the adult;
( dnot dispose of property that the attorney knows is subject to a specific testamentary gift in the adult's will, except if the disposition is necessary to comply with the attorney's duties;
( eto the extent reasonable, keep the adult's personal effects at the disposal of the adult.

My cousin managed to break four of these terms.  I do not know about (b).

For those that have not read my posts about my cousin who put my aunt in a nursing home/assisted living home on numerous occasions from 2014 to 2016 (see (d)) in an attempt to sell her home from out from under her so that upon her death her home no longer existed.  Her designated beneficiary was her church.  He did not consult with her.  He also did not consult with her honestly when he arranged to dispose of my aunt's car which was in excellent condition although it was 50 years old.  It was not a pile of junk which is what he told my aunt. 

I blame the lawyer, Debra Burden, who drew the power of attorney who did not impress on my cousin what his duties were.  She should have had him sign off on the above clause.

The most important part of this is (c) he cannot do anything unless my aunt is aware of whatever he is doing.  She was and is competent.  He cannot go behind her back.  How dare he.

I would like to know why the Public Guardian and Trustee did not rescind Allan Barton's power of attorney. 

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