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Tuesday, March 17, 2020


All I seem to do is sleep.  When I wake, I turn my head and go to sleep again.  Maybe it is a way of healing. 

I nearly lost my tenancy because the arbitrator did not get his facts correct.  In his decision he was of the opinion that those that caused a violent fight on the lawn where I live were my guests.  They were not my guests.  They were trespassers. Under the RTA tenants are responsible for the behavior of their guests.  Only in the written decision was I am to see why the arbitrator was so hostile to me.  I was witness to employees of my landlord viciously beating up one of the trespassers and I had the police called.  No good deed goes unpunished.  I had put up with the uncertainty of my tenancy for seven months.  This added to my stress and no accommodation was granted me by VCHA and its lawyers.

I was accused of something I did not do; like I was accused by VCHA for doing things I did not do.  Lawyers are supposed to do due diligence to make sure that their clients have a valid claim but in my case all they did was believe their clients and their nonsense (snowflake) allegations.  Each argument has to be vetted before it goes in front of a judge as lawyers are officers of the court.  A lawyer who is a judge in Kamloops told me forty years ago that the only party he does not trust is his own client.  Clients know this and if they have the $resources they will demoralize a party with innuendo to the point of suicide.  

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