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Monday, December 26, 2022

26 December 2022

 I was recalling December 26th when I went to see Randy at George Pearson Centre and discovered he was in medical distress.  He was out-of-it.  I called for someone to call 911 and no one did.  I do not know what they did as they ignored him and they waited one hour at which time I called 911 and was told that GPC had just called 911and they were on their way.  When the paramedic looked at Randy, she said to the GPC staff why did not someone call 911 earlier. The woman was pissed off. She wanted to know why the heart monitor was shut off.  The GPC staff just stood there saying nothing.  Randy was taken to VGH Emergency and I waited for three hours before his heart rate decreased to a reasonable level.  He would have died that night if I was not there.  The staff at GPC would have just let him die.  I do not know why VCH and 911 did not investigate why GPC staff did not attend to Randy sooner. At VGH they wanted to disconnect his life support.  

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