I have been under incredible stress these past weeks because of the behavior of Vladimiros Xanthopoulos, a prick who manages a City owned property: the Kingsway Continental, social housing for low income mostly seniors. The prick is wanting to evict a 70 year old man who has mobility problems and cannot rush to a toilet when he needs to void because the prick has locked up the public access toilet in the building. Paul uses a walker and as Paul is obese he has difficulty rushing to anywhere. The incident was videotaped. It happened in the middle of the night. If he has an urgent uncontrollable need, he pees in a plastic container and then puts it in his basket that is part of his walker. The videos are in the building for security purposes. How can peeing in a plastic container be a security issue. Who complained? And what is wrong with pee anyways, babies pee all the time and they do not get evicted.
The most egregious issue however isn't the peeing it is that the prick has refused me entry to the building to visit the tenant supposedly guilty of this terrible crime meaning so he will be evicted to the state of homelessness. The City is convinced that the RTA will evict my friend otherwise the City would not have authorized this utterly terrible process to happen. The legal department knew of this crime and did nothing to stop this traumatic process.
A manager cannot prevent a visitor from visiting a tenant unless there is a court order. But the City of Vancouver is doing it. I wrote the mayor, the city manager, non-market housing, their legal department educating them but I have heard nothing. This is a signal to tell the population that it is okay for a landlord to determine who and when a visitor can visit a tenant even if there are laws that say otherwise nothing will happen to them. If the City cannot enforce the law in its own building then there is no law.
You cannot trust the administration of mayor Ken Sim and the ABC.
Stopping me from visiting Paul isn't a simple illegal crime, it is against our Constitution. The part that says we are guaranteed freedom of association.
We are in a totalitarian state policed by landlords. They become the judge, jury and executor arbitrarily.
Arbititarily means they can do what they want because even though there are laws against what they are doing like see the Constitution it is very hard to enforce and in this case how can a visitor enforce the right to visit a tenant. Will the Province call in the military. Freedom of association is the right of every citizen in Canada.
My friend is elderly, he needs help with his pending ridiculous eviction for pissing in a plastic container and also he needs support because he is elderly has serious medical conditions and someone has to look out for the vulnerables of our community. The fact is a landlord does not have to know the reason a visitor wants to visit a tenant; demanding it is called invasion of privacy.
Vlad is a prick that should be fired and so should Mayor Sim as the buck stops with him.
Vlad the prick is a real prick when he put the notice to evict on Paul's door, Paul did not notice it, did not know an eviction was imminent. Vlad the prick must have been laughing each time he passed Paul's door knowing Paul did not read the notice as it was still posted on his door therefore Paul would not file a dispute note to contest the eviction. Sick. Sick. Sick. The evidence to this is that on the 15th of April Vlad was running up and down the hall of the Kingsway Continental saying that Paul was being evicted. Whatever happened to confidentiality. Unbeknown to the prick was that I had helped Paul file a dispute note and it was being sent to the Kingsway Continental by registered mail so the dispute note was within the time limit. I could not trust the prick to accept personal service so I sent it registered mail. It is so easy for anyone to lie and say he did not get the dispute note. Look at the shoplifting problem we have, no one is honest any more.
Back to the most egregious issue and that is the Constitution and the disregard that Sim has for it. Sim nauseates me as he has or does make his money on the back of the medically disabled and seniors. Nurse Next Door Home Healthcare Service. His ownership of Nurse Next Door reflects his commitment to addressing healthcare needs in the community. Totally nauseating. And even Klassen is involved with the new capitalist money maker; the elderly. Maybe every single person on council has financial affiliations with robbing the elderly. A reporter should investigate this.
The point is me and the Constitution. No one has the right to deny me visitation. How dare the City do this. And I am hopeful that Sim is dethroned from his throne.
It is 11:11 pm Paul just called. Said he was having terrible dreams of being homeless and on the street.Was this mental torture necessary. The City should not cause mental distress to a resident in one of its buildings. All it has done is create a chilling effect on the other tenants so the other tenants are afraid.