From Facebook August 21 2016 author Diana Ford
This was what I posted one month after my father was put to death,
four years ago, by his Hospital doctors here in Canada. He was "left to
suffer and to die" against his wish, against our family's wishes,
without any reason and, since he was not dying of any terminal illness,
it was done against nature. My Petition seeking to oppose a system that
allows for doctors to terminate the lives of their handicapped
(physically or mentally) patients or of their elderly patients got a few
hundred signatures, way too few to make any difference or to actually
change legislation because of it. At about the same time, a dog was put
to death by the authorities for being "dangerous" . It's owners
circulated a petition and it got several hundred thousand signatures,
closer to a million. I love animals also and of course I felt for them
but that's not the point. This enormous discrepancy in numbers of of
people who opposed the un-consented. involuntary euthanizing of human
beings versus euthanizing animals is reflective on our society today and
its values. It reflects on what is important to us and whose lives we
want saved. We now have passed the new Euthanasia law here, in Canada,
and those patients who will be "terminated" by their doctors without
their knowledge and totally against their wishes, will be given as
examples for how well our legalized "Euthanasia Program" benefits our
citizens. The fact that the patients don't wish to die and that they
aren't even informed that they are going to be euthanized before being
put to death, will be conveniently left out of the narrative. In my
father's case, when it was first picked up by the newspapers, it was
both distorted and left out. What's coming will be a direct result of
our behavior now, as a society, our low regard for "imperfect" human
life and our condoning the illegal killings of patients in Hospitals.
There's no room to claim ignorance as an excuse! Those who condone or
even promote the terminating of the lives of patients in Hospitals, of
people who do not want to die but are deemed by society as "hopeless
cases" and labelled by the medical system as "too old" or "too ill" to
be worthy of maintaining alive, think that this is a proper way to save
money. What they don't know, but will undoubtedly find out, is that no
one will ever lower their taxes because of this system of euthanizing
the vulnerable instead of treating them and that the system will
"terminate" their lives just as fast, when they become old or incapable,
when they do not wish to die and when their own families will feel
powerless and devastated. All the money they "saved" or, for that
matter, all the money in the world won't help them then. When the
government has a system in place to dispose of our lives and to take it
from us against our will, via the medical establishment, the individual
has lost the most fundamental right: the right to life. It's game over.
Diana Ford
August 21, 2012 ·
My father was murdered. He did not "die" because he had no reason to
die and he did not want to die. When we bring our loved ones into
Hospitals, we expect them to get treated, not executed. I realize now
that everyone's parents can be murdered if they happen to be old and
sick and end up in a Hospital here. Your Power of Attorney will not be
respected if the doctor decides your parent is an "inconvenience", if
he/she has been ill for longer than what the doctor deems "acceptable".
They have an easy system to do away with anyone they decide, unless we
get their system changed. The decision to live or die when we cannot
communicate should be left with us or with our Power of Attorney and/or
family members. Having the doctors or the jurists decide for us is
undemocratic. Our control over our own lives is taken from us, If you do
not do something about this, and soon, you allow strangers to make
these decisions for you, for your parents, and most frightening of all,
when you are no longer here, for your children. Is this what should
happen here? Is this what you want? Please contact if
you need more info or wish to sign a petition telling the government to
back off and let us make our own decisions in this very private matter.
Thank you
Gone ballistic scenarios. Activist by default. phone: 604-321-2276,do not leave voice mail 207-5524 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 3A2 Everything posted I believe to be true. If not, please let me know.