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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Basket Case #2

I knew that VCHA and the rest made me a basket case and now this litigation is making me a double basket case.

My visions of Randy are so distracting that I cannot do much to advance what I have of my limited time on this earth.

I read an article this morning from the New York Times that doctors always know when a patient will die.  So Dr. Dunne knew Randy was going to die when he refused to lift the DNR when I asked him to.  He said he would look into it after his trip to Prince George.  Four hours later Randy was within minutes of dying.

Why didn't he remove the DNR at that time.  He did not have to wait until after his trip to Prince George.  He was there less than thirty feet from Randy's bed.  I told him to go and ask Randy and he refused.

That evening I was given new visiting restrictions.  6 to 8 pm.  On January 29 2014 I was banned 24/7 from all Vancouver Coastal Health property.  The PGT and all the other defendants were part of this banning.  

The justification must have fallen into the category that he was going to die anyways so hastening it is a bit is not a problem.  No court would fault a doctor.

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