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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Vindictiveness of the College of Physicians and Surgeons

It did not take long for the vindictiveness of the College to surface.  Seven days.  On February 19, 2019 it filed a Notice of Motion.

It sort of missed the point though.  The College never investigated why Dr. Dunne put a DNR, a DNT and a CCO Orders on Randy.  The combination of all three is a death sentence for those that want to die.  Randy did not want to die.

The College didn't even get its facts right.  I first contacted them on November 19 2013 but the College said I contacted them on December 16 2013.  They did not even know that Dr. Dunne also put a CCO Order on Randy.

The College decided to exercise its discretion to take no action because Randy was incompetent.  So when did Randy become incompetent?  Was it in 2010 or in 2011.  In December of 2012 Randy was assessed by Dr. Dunne and Mr. Doig and someone else I do not know his name and it was decided that Randy was competent and that Randy wanted Full Code. I was not there to unduly influence him to live. When I spoke to risk management in August 2013 Randy was full code. On 14 November 2013 early evening Randy was transferred from VGH to GPC. The next morning Dr. Dunne coded him to die.  When I told Dr. Dunne to take the DNR off, he mumbled that he could not take it off as it wasn't his decision to make. Then he said that Randy was incompetent.

So who would want Randy dead. Randy did not want to be dead.  I did not want him to be death. His parents did not want him to be dead.  Randy's doggies did not want him to be dead.  So, who and why.

The College did not talk to me, nor did they talk to Dr. Dunne.  So who did they talk to. Maybe it was the lawyer for the CMPA or maybe VCH's department of risk management. Or maybe they did not talk to anyone.

The College should adjourn the application and commence a new investigation.

Better yet, the attorney-general should fire the College of Physicians and Surgeons as they are not doing their job of protecting the public.   It they can't do a simple investigation, how could they protect the public. It was a simple investigation but a serious complaint.  They should have done everything possible to make sure what Dr. Dunne said was the truth.

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