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Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Neall Epstein case and me

 The more I think about what VCHA tried to do to me i.e. attempting to charge me with criminal harassment, the more scared I feel.  How could it defame me. And, it was done with the advice of their lawyers or one of their risk management people. It had to be both. I once asked risk management for a list of its employees and what university degrees each had and I never received a reply.  I was driven to be so crazy in my head I was looking for "why."  I wanted to know if these employees had degrees in "behavioural psychology."  A degree in how to control people "brainwashing." How to "gaslight." I still would like to know.  Such information should be public knowledge.  And I feel safe that the police refused to proceed with the bogus charge.Those with power forget that it only takes one person to derail them. In my case two burly police officers.

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