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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Confidentially of patients at VCHA is a joke ...

 This is the contents of an email I wrote

Audrey Laferriere

Oct 28, 2020, 4:32 PM
to manuel
From GPC:

The minutes from the September 10 2019 meeting of the residents' council for the George Pearson Centre give us a further example of the indignity of living in a congregative institution.  The second item of business from the manager's report is a notice regarding Do No Resuscitate Orders.  DNRS tags have been "affixed" to the back of the wheelchairs of those residents who agreed to a Do Not Resuscitate Order.  DNRs are personal health-care decisions.  Having them located on the back of your wheelchair means that everyone you come into contact with including strangers, will know one of the most personal decisions you have made.  Institutional life strips you of your dignity, your rights and your autonomy.  You are reduced to a DNR tag on the back of a wheelchair.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Missing in Action - clients of PGT

 I do not understand why the public cannot access who are the "clients" of the Public Guardian and Trustee in British Columbia.  Not only can "clients" go into hiding, the PGT does not have to tell anyone that a "client" is even a "client."  Privacy does not cut it. The PGT can literally take you off the street and disappear you. That is medieval.  That is North Korean. That has to change. I have the right to know what happened to my neighbour. 

How can such deaths be lost by legislation. This oversite goes to Rocco Galati and his retelling of current Canadian history (see In Conversation with Rocco Galati May 10 2023 on

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Risk Management

In my quest to understand what happened to me, I asked Vancouver Health Authority particulars of those that work for the Department of Risk Management. Those that bully are always part of a group and every group has a leader. I did not expect their names although it would seem appropriate but they could have sent me the number that are employed in the department and their education/experience.  Specifically, I wanted to know how many had psychology degrees.  I was driven to the extreme edge of madness and I want to know why.  If you want to control someone you gaslight her and slowly watch her come apart.  Those that designed the militaristic torture policies for the USA all had advanced degrees in psychology. 

 Everyone that works for a health authority should have a public bio of who they are. 

We the public are thrown into a den of lions when we try to advocate for the injured and sick and we do not know by whom. 

In 2010 VGH had blasted on its walls its policy of "Mean Management" and I also asked for particulars on this policy and nothing.  

Saturday, May 13, 2023

edgeofmadness 2

Yesterday afternoon I was searching for information on the BC Privacy Act It was a frustrating rabbit hole to manipulate No resolution there This morning at 5:00 am I woke up to listening to a YouTube podcast (playlist) about privacy issues This isn't the first time this weirdness has happened I would search something on google (I never searched for it on YouTube) and I wake up hearing a podcast, specifically the part that I was interested/confused about.I can't sleep unless I have noise in the background The voices distract me so I can defocus from my everyday problems that were on my mind and fall asleep It must be some AI thing. Google must be hooked up to YouTube And it has the power to wake me in mid night The best I can tell is that the government should only be legislating privacy laws for the public interest (national security) and not for the interests of private or corporate individuals.  Private and corporate individuals as a means to do business can have their own privacy policies.  

Monday, May 8, 2023

Since social media is going crazy with posts being deleted, I have decided to duplicate my posts on a new website. I have reserved the name: The name was inspired from Dr. Jordan Peterson when he described his experiences with dealing with his litigations. He said they drove him to the "edge of madness." I went past the edge of madness as I did not have a battery of lawyers, or money, or family, or colleagues, or inside knowlege to support me like Dr. Peterson had. And I was thirty years older than him. I was on my own trying to cope while suffering from acute PTSD. It was untenable. I went to revist the definition of what "doubling down" meant. It means to agressively go after someone. Thank you Joel Morris, the lead litigator, for the Canadian Medical Physicians Association, for threatening me. Since I really did not know what Joel meant at the time, technically I should not describe it as a threat.

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