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Saturday, May 13, 2023

edgeofmadness 2

Yesterday afternoon I was searching for information on the BC Privacy Act It was a frustrating rabbit hole to manipulate No resolution there This morning at 5:00 am I woke up to listening to a YouTube podcast (playlist) about privacy issues This isn't the first time this weirdness has happened I would search something on google (I never searched for it on YouTube) and I wake up hearing a podcast, specifically the part that I was interested/confused about.I can't sleep unless I have noise in the background The voices distract me so I can defocus from my everyday problems that were on my mind and fall asleep It must be some AI thing. Google must be hooked up to YouTube And it has the power to wake me in mid night The best I can tell is that the government should only be legislating privacy laws for the public interest (national security) and not for the interests of private or corporate individuals.  Private and corporate individuals as a means to do business can have their own privacy policies.  

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