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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Randy Walker 4

I came across an article called Medical Kidnapping. There are a lot of them.  Search "medical kidnapping."

Although the links are for the US they are happening here in Canada.

Once the authorities receive a "complaint" they do not fully investigate it and they rely on gossip to dismantle a family unit.  This is what happened with Mr Randy Michael Walker and Mrs Audrey Jane Laferriere.

The authorities take over and there is no one to help the family.  In Vancouver, the authorities (Vancouver Coastal Health and the Public Guardian and Trustee) collude together to protect a family member from his family. The adult which is the subject is not asked if he wants to be protected.

I heard of such situations before (medical kidnapping) but I did not know what they were called. The authorities get involved, take over the money and the person patient without a legal plausible reason. Family members are deemed incapable. For confidential reasons, the authorities will not tell you the reason.  No one can do anything because no one knows what to do.

In Vancouver VCH and the PGT with much aforethought made sure that the lawyers that might be qualified to help us are prevented from doing so because they farm out their legal work to a lot of legal firms thus those who are qualified would be in conflict.  In my case with the help of VCHA  lawyers, VCH devised a plan to drive me "crazy" knowing full well that I would never be able to get a lawyer.

All this probono stuff is a joke.  It just looks good on a resume when in fact the probono lawyers do every little to help anyone.  Their job is to dissuade those that have been treated badly from going any further.

Like the government's big campaign in 2012 with its "My Voice -- Expressing my Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment." The government sent employees out to have them get those in residential care and others to sign on the doted line. And the booklet is still being distributed in hospitals and to the general public.  The purpose is found on page 31.  My wishes for future health care treatment, life support and life-prolonging medical interventions.  What a devious plan.  Everyone opted for DNRs with the encouragement of those distributing the booklets and hospital social workers.

The booklet was "yellow."  Symbolic yellow of the Star of David used to identify the jews who were destined to be part of the "final solution."  DNRs are also part of the final solution in Canada.  DNRs are used to identify those of us who are going to die soon but with a DNR you will die sooner. A DNR says you are refusing CPR but other treatments can be denied you as well. A DNR is elastic.

The yellow booklet page 31 overrides the need for "informed consent."

P.S.  On January 29, 2014, I was banned from all VCHA properties. This meant that I could not see my husband or phone him. Today is March 14, 2019 (five years later) and my life-time ban is still with me.

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