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Monday, June 17, 2019

Stealth Guardianship/Slavery

This was the same lawyer who in 2014 blindly followed the instructions of his client who without any real evidence decided that I was incapable of being my husband's power of attorney or health care representative. The evidence would never stand up in court, it was of a snowflake variety. The allegations were only used to dissuade/upset me from persuing the matter. On the surface it looked good but when it melted it would go into the sewer.

The PGT can act without court orders.The PGT lawyer also agreed that there be a blanket restraining order against me. This lawyer went to the other side to protect VCHA rather than a vulnerable who had to be protected from those who conspired among each other based on rumour that I was a person that should never see my husband again.

VCHA was hastening the death of my husband and the PGT knew and decided that it was okay for them to do so.  Randy's lawyer thought it was a good idea as well.

It was him who prevented me from seeing my husband from the time the PGT retained him until my husband's death since the PGT owns everyone and Catherine Romanko only allows citizens to exist independently at her pleasure.  It is stealth slavery.

Although my husband died on April 13th, it really was April 4th or earlier, as it was from then he was unresponsive. VCHA would not even allow me to see a dead man.

I will tell you how covert the PGT is.  You cannot even find out off the internet who she is.  The only place is in its Annual Report which is an extremely lavish report done for David Eby.

In the small print it states that the PGT controls $billion of assets that belong to vulnerable people.  I wonder if there is a way that the government borrows from these assets when they need a few hundred million dollars.

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