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Sunday, December 29, 2024

the Pyrrhic effect in probate .

Serving documents.

While a lawyer might consider the strategic implications of serving documents at a later stage, they are bound by ethical standards and professional conduct rules. Deliberately delaying service to create a pyrrhic effect and deter interested parties from engaging in the administration of the estate could be seen as unethical and potentially harmful.

In the estate I am witnessing, the probate lawyer served the P2 package for the Estate Grant five months after the registrar signed the probate grant. This stealthy behaviour is concerning. The P2 package should have been served on the interested parties before it was filed in the probate registry. The probate lawyer might say that you, as an interested party, can still voice your displeasure, but it may fall on deaf ears. Bringing this matter to court would be a Pyrrhic victory—not worth the trouble.

At one point, I was threatened by the lawyers that they were going to get me, and it appears they have succeeded. I was never told why they wanted to get me. Maybe being old is the reason.  I do not know. I am going to have to spend my modest inheritance to prove they engaged in stealthy behavior, even though it would probably result in a Pyrrhic victory. It would be up to me to apply at my own cost to the court. While I would likely win, at what cost? Improper service could be addressed after the estate grant was sealed, but to what purpose? The court would probably instruct the parties to re-serve the information, which feels akin to shooting the messenger.

What a way to bring disrepute to the legal process—using the system to get someone. But then no one would know about it except me, and the lawyers, as I would not do anything about it because of the Pyrrhic effect.  


Friday, December 20, 2024

WESA: purpose. Wills Estates Succession Act (BC)

 WESA was designed with the intention of encouraging informal resolution of conflicts.  This to reduce the time, cost, and emotional strain associated with formal legal proceedings.  Court intervention is the last resort when informal methods do not work. Lawyers are expected to resolve disputes, not the courts.  How is that possible as lawyers are not independent decision makers.   

This isn't what is happening.  WESA was legislated in 2014, enough time for creative lawyers to circumvent the intent of the law.  As soon as one lawyer circumvents the intent, others follow as soon as they see how easy it is.  Lawyers bully clients all the time and clients are easily intimidated.  I wonder how many millions of dollars have been diverted since 2014 as it is economically wise to allow fraud to happen than to deal with it.  Relative to the value of the estate, what is a few hundred dollars, or a few thousand dollars, or a few million dollars.  Once an executor/administrator is appointed by way of the P1 form, they can fleece the estate, with the help of their lawyers.  Lawyer fees will stop most (everyone) from making anyone accountable. It is legal extortion.  

When a lawyer tells you to allow a wrong as to remedy it would cost more than the wrong, my anger will not go away, nor will the nausea that I am feeling.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Ethical v. Ethics

 It always amazes how infallible people think they are.

Especially lawyers.  

I had the occasion to attend a hearing this morning and it was adjourned.

The lawyers involved knew of the hearing and yet would not tell me that they were seeking an adjournment.  They could have told me up to yesterday.  But instead I had to travel from Vancouver to Kamloops to be told that the matter was adjourned. There is such a thing as a phone or an email. A phone call costs nothing, a court appearance to ask for an adjournment cost $600.  

I call this unethical behavior.  If I had a lawyer they would never have done this.

And they are notable citizens of Kamloops, both are partners in law firms.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

What will go wrong will go wrong

 This past weeks has been like hell for me.

For two days Iwas in so much pain I could not walk, nor could I focus as the pain in my neck was unbearable.  Today I am a little functional but have a gigantic headache.

I am trying to draft out an affidavit outlining the chronology and reasons leading up to the granting of an estate grant.  Reading over it it screams that due process was violated.  Even though WESA does not explicitly say what due process is in an estate matter, it was left by the legislators for the lawyers to know what due process is. The legislatures did not anticipate that the lawyers would not serve documents to gain an advantage to use WESA to exclude disputants from disputing anything.  Waiting until the estate grant is issued would cause any dispute to be too difficult exponentially in time, money and paper to revocate an estate that was not honest. I get it if there are 100 beneficiaries most which were willed nominal sums like $100 do not have to be served the P2 as it is an administrative nightmare, but the significant beneficiaries should be served the P2 and also a Notice that the P19 (estate grant) would be issued.  I do not think that reasoning is valid now as the administrative burden can be lifted as all the documents can be served by one email with cc to all the interested parties.  Due process being a check so any disputes not discussed prior to the P1 or the P2 filing can be dealt with. The way it is now, it is "catch me if you can."  Get the estate grant as quickly as possible, and that would in all probability end further disputes of modest estates.

The purpose that the interested parties should be served after an administrator/executor is appointed is to prevent fraud; intentional or unintentioal. It would be easy for interested parties to discover fraud if they knew what was going on. Also it would stop misunderstandings/confusion as it would be detected beforehand. It also nominates the best qualified to be the administrator.

Lack of due process brings distrust to the legal process.  If there is no legal process then there is no rule of law. Transparency is critical so there is no surprises and everyone is treated fairly.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

I am thinking. What I am doing is ridiculous.

 I am in the midst of trying to make an application to help someone to revoke an order.  At the end of the day the money involved might only be $10,000 hardly a sum to do much about.  But what upset me is that due process was not followed and call me stupid to take this on but if there is no due process there is no rule of law.  Due process ensures that laws are applied fairly and consistently, protecting individuals' rights and maintaining justice. Without it, the legal system would lack the necessary checks and balances, leading to arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Transparency is part of due process. Police enforce the laws and lawyers enforce due process.  Stealth due process should not happen.

A very bad day continues

 I do not know what is happening to my body.  The pain is a so bad I can't move much and I can't even type.  And to make it worse I lost all my documents in WORD as that computer died on me.  

My draft for the new application is gone and I fear that I will not be able to meet the deadlines.

I am so exhausted I cannot think thus not able to compose.  And my vision is blurring.  

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Battle Ground for Fraud

 I came across the Supreme Court Rules (Probate) 2005 and even then a probate is a battlefield.   The  person who is named executor or an administrator and the possibility for fraud exists.  Because he controls the information, it would be extremely difficult for a beneficiary to audit what an executor or administrator is doing. The executor only has to pay you your inheritance as set out in a will.  But if he doesn't what can you do.  Think.  Romance scam.  Think.  Catch me if you can. Of course you can go to court but it is prohibitive expensive for a modest estate.   Forget the lawyer thing, the executor can fire the lawyer at any time, liquidate all the assets. and run.  

Most of this confusion goes to privacy. All I get is everything is confidential.  If a person is dead why is privacy an issue. Not only is it up to the executor to share information it is also up to the interested parties in an estate to share information.  When a beneficiary won't even share her email address, then we are in trouble.  Privacy protects crooks. And everyone is a crook.  It is just the degree that can upset.  If you have an expense account you will abuse it. Maybe not at first but after a few times it becomes easier.  

Friday, November 29, 2024

A very bad day

 I woke up in seriour pain.  I never get back pains and this morning I could not move much.

It is now 8:10 pm and my back still hurts.

I am working (no thinking) on a project and I do not know how to present it, word it.  My back pain is interfering with my focus and construction.

The problem is when you live alone, there is no one to help you if you are immobile.  Since this has never happened before, maybe the pain will just go away.

My project has to be finished by Wednesday.  I hope tomorrow being Saturday, it will just go away.  

Monday, November 25, 2024

New tort.


Collaborataive Constructive Fraud to Thwart Due Process.

This is when multiple lawyers who are wilfully blind resolve a legal issue by bypassing due process, usually for the sake of efficiency.

If you have experience with this tort, please let me know.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Witnessing a probate, absolutely shocking

 I am witnessing probate.  I am absolutely sick over the lack of transparency and the resulting confusion and misinformation.  I am mostly concerned over the discretion that lawyers can use to deny beneficiaries information and there isn't anything real you can do about it.  If they want to put a knife in your back, they can.  It is called abuse of discretion; constructive fraud.  As I age I see more and more things that I get angry over. And WESA is one of them.  There is no legal reasons to abuse WESA but given discretion (power) to anyone eventually the abuse will happen.  Human nature dictates it so. In history and now.   

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Judicial Review Cho v. Mavis McMullen Housing Society, a travesty of justice.

 The judicial review for Cho v Mavis McMullen Housing Society will be heard on Monday November 18 2024 at 9:30 am. Attend this interesting educational court hearing. Cho is being evicted by a charity because a visitor took a few empty soda cans that were on a patio common area property. Tenants are responsible for the behavior of their visitors. Market value .30 cents. Mavis McMullen decided to evict a 89 year old woman from her home. Good move. I demand that Dr. Brenda Hogan, psychologist, resign. Brenda is the President of the Board of Directors. Evictions should be approved by her and not by a janitor. Their web page is superior. If they can create a great web site, I am sure Brenda has the expertise of knowing how to handle a criminal who takes empty cans and a 89 year old tenant. Punishment does not fit the crime. Anyone associated with Mavis McMullen Housing should be ashamed. The hearing is at Supreme Court 800 Smythe Street (Robson Square) ask the information desk for the court room number. Action No. VLC S S 247593. Cho v. Mavis McMullen Housing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

89 year old woman gets evicted because a visitor steals a soda can

 I wish I knew how to move among social medias.  In this case Vancouver Sun November 12 2024 reported that a 89 year old woman is facing eviction because a visitor of hers stold a pop can.  Our society has gone crazy by allowing idiot janitors who are given powerby BC Housing to inflict harm to others because they can and in this case I am sure the unions protect them.  Or worse yet a board of directors.  

I hope this causes an uproar over the abuses that BC Housing and non-profit housing providers do against tenants. Policing functions being downloaded to janitors is all too common. We are defunding the police and letting pricks run the world. No tenant should be subject to such cruelty by BC Housing, a government authority. In any event, punishment should fit the crime. A visitor steals a soda can, and the tenant gets evicted. If you steal a can of soda from London Drugs you do not get evicted from your home but maybe that is the next step in our evolution for law and order. This is not North Korea where one dissenter says something and his family for three generations gets imprisoned. Where the fuck are the housing advocates. They are all in the clear because this old woman took a soda can which clearly is a criminal offence and she should be sentenced to the streets. Security cameras caught her. Security cameras are for serious offences and only the police can use them as evidence. So how was this non-profit able to use them in a residential tenancy action? The Chos should be suing all the idiots involved. The stupidity is there. In fact a Me2 movement should start and a class action started to include all the tenants who have been evicted/blacklisted by housing authorities who cause emotional and financial harm to tenants no matter their age. This over a fucking soda can. The world is going crazy and I feel I am going crazy as well. 778 689 2276

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Visit to City HallEverything is

 Continuing from two weeks ago when I attended at Vancouver City Hall and was deterred from going to the third floor because there was now a policy that says you cannot do that. I was told it was only for Wednesday, the day of council meetings. However, I was given false information. Yesterday I wanted to deliver another letter to the third floor and I had to answer to a person at the gateway to the elevators as to what my purpose was. When I was there two weeks ago I left the first letter with security to deliver to the City Clerk's Office.

Yesterday I was told that the City Clerk never received it. So much for trusting security. The letter was to tell the City that I intended to sue them because for nine months I have been sending emails to the mayor, the city manager, non-market housing, and legal and no one answered one of them.

The other day I came across information that says that the City has slandered me and defamed me. It was all done internally so I suspect that is okay. It causes me to be fearful of going near City Hall as these vigilantes could then attack me without consequences.

The City has gone crazy under Sim and he should be defunded.

It took me awhile to figure out why I was upset over the pending police state of City Hall.
City Hall has already been a part of me in that it was my City Hall and years ago when I had or wanted to attend at City Hall it was like meeting a friend who was not judgmental each employee was someone who wanted to help/converse with me. Now it is nothing. Everything is behind locked doors, no person to person connection. So sad.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Another Regretful Day

 I was at Save One Foods and I noticed the person ahead of me going through the checkout.  He bill must have been $200.  I was watching her and a large bag of sugar under the grocery kart went through and it was not scanned.  This isn't the first time I have seen such behavior.  A store clerk asked her if she paid for the sugar and she said yes.  The clerk did not ask to see the receipt. The clerk was young and accepted the woman's statement.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Finding a lawyer

 I do not know why I even try.

I was referred to a lawyer.  She was working at a large law firm in Vancovuer. 

When I tried to contact her I was told that she no longer worked there.  And they would not give me her new address.  

Then reception said if I needed a lawyer to go and request on on their webpage.  I said why can't I leave my name with her for a lawyer to call me.  I told her what would happen if I did not have an email address.

She said that if I did not have an email address for me to find another law firm.

Why would this huge law firm only respond to their web page. 

Why.  Is it as soon as they receive a message they are checking your credit before they talk to you.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Fraud on the court ...

 Fraud in court refers to dishonest actions that compromise the integrity of the judicial process. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The tort of Conspiratory Constructive Fraud

 The tort of Conspiratory Constructive Fraud.

Lawyers have engaged in constructive fraud to benefit their clients, hoping that the fraud will go unnoticed. 

Constructive fraud involves a breach of duty or a legal or equitable obligation that leads to harm or undue advantage, even without fraudulent intent. 

It can occur in various fiduciary relationships, including those between lawyers and clients.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

What the FUCK are the police doing.

 This is crazy.  This has happened in Vancouver.  Similar case in Kamloops.  The police do not have to be asholes.  

BRITISH COLUMBIA: In July 2024, while walking and filming on a sidewalk outside a police station, a man was unexpectedly and forcefully arrested by a police officer. He was subsequently charged with mischief and municipal corruption. The man has now retained The Democracy Fund (TDF) to defend against these charges.

The details surrounding the alleged wrongdoing remain unclear, raising questions about the circumstances leading to the arrest.

TDF Lawyers are concerned that police did not have reasonable or probable grounds to arrest and charge a man for peacefully walking on public property. 

“We will be requesting full disclosure of all evidence related to this case and will initiate a Crown pretrial in the coming weeks so that we can understand how our client allegedly violated the law,” stated senior litigation counsel Adam Blake-Gallipeau.


The case in Kamloops.

While the RCMP is often taken to task about their lack of action when panhandlers and ne'er-do-wells loiter outside downtown businesses, one Kelowna senior is finding out the Mounties have a different approach after he spent too much time outside the detachment.

Cornelius Clemens Sierhuis, 66, appeared at the Kelowna courthouse, Oct. 9, having been convicted on the rarely used charge of mischief that "obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property."

Sierhuis' conviction relates to an incident in February 2023 whereby he spent four hours outside the Kelowna RCMP attachment on Ritcher Street approaching officers and trying to amend a court injunction.

He wouldn't take no for an answer when officers correctly told him it was a Saturday and he'd have to go to the courthouse on Monday to deal with the matter.

Crown prosecutor David Reznikov said there was no allegation Sierhuis had assaulted or pushed any of the officers but he had "belligerent conduct" towards the RCMP.

"It's obvious that Mr. Sierhuis has an animosity towards the RCMP and that animosity is a factor," the Crown told the court.

He was arrested and represented himself in court and was ultimately convicted of the mischief charge.

The senior's prompt arrest is the polar opposite of the perception of many in their dealings with the RCMP.

recent survey in Kamloops found businesses frustrated with RCMP and bylaw officers some saying they felt abandoned by police. Over the years local media have reported multiple stories about people sharing their frustrations with the RCMP's perceived lack of action.

While Sierhuis ended up in handcuffs outside the cop shop he had a different take on the events.

"I have no shame or guilt over what happened here," Sierhuis told the court. "I respected those two officers that treated me like garbage."

The court heard that the day before the senior showed up at the Kelowna RCMP detachment, he was involved in an altercation with a neighbour at a rooming house where he lived.

Police gave him an undertaking not to go near the neighbour and not to go to the rooming house.

However, he wanted the undertaking changed so he called the RCMP detachment multiple times on Friday and again Saturday morning.

"I did everything I could over the phone, and I was completely blockaded. I had no choice. The roof over my head was being threatened," he said. "I had to go talk to someone."

Once at the cop shop, which was closed to the public as it was a Saturday, Sierhuis approached officers as they went in and out of the building.

"I never spoke to one person more than once. I never harassed anybody. I accepted everybody's answer and moved on hoping I could find one officer that would do his job properly," Sierhuis told the court.

Officers told him there was nothing they could do and he needed to go to the courthouse on Monday.

Nevertheless, he continued to remain at the police station and at one point banged on the door.

At the sentence hearing, the 66-year-old spoke at length, saying he was at the RCMP station "pleading" for help.

"Nobody wanted to help me. And then to get rid of me, they arrested me," he said.

Along with a sentence of two years probation, the Crown proposed a 50-metre no-go condition barring Sierhuis from going near the RCMP detachment or from calling the non-emergency line.

Provincial Court Judge David Ruse didn't agree with the no-go order.

"It's not like he has made a habit of going to the RCMP office and pestering them," Judge Ruse said. "It's a public institution. The public should be allowed to access (it)."

Ultimately, the senior was given 18-months of probation.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Election Day October 19 2024

 Election Day.

I was hoping my day would be better.  When I attempted to go out of the front door, I was met with rain, and the yard was soaked, meaning I would have to wear my rain boots.  To my annoyance, I could not find my rain boots.  Inprovise.  I could wear plastic bagson my feet so the water would not soak my socks.  The problem with that was since plastic bags were outlawed there were no plastic bags.  

As I was walking on 42nd to the pooling station, something did not seem right. None of the houses on either side of the street had a FOR SALE sign in front, which was very unusual. I do not know why no houses were for sale; there must be some unknown/mysterious reason for this. I had an unsettling feeling.

I did vote.  There was only a few people at the polling station.  I could not understand that either.  No one cares to vote I thought.

Then I went to London Drugs.  There was a sign saying: LD has 10,000 items on sale. Lots of bargains.

I do not know what the hell is wrong with me.  Each time I think I am being a good person I regret it. But then maybe I should not even associate with anyone.  Life wold be easier.  What amases me is that then you look like you did something wrong.  Do not shoot the messenger or the person who is trying to help you.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Access Pro Bono

 I had a conversation this afternoon with a gent who was banned by Access Pro Bono. He said he got an email from Access Pro Bono saying that they would not give him help because he used his nickname rather than his legal name in his application.  They accused him of fraud. Nick name: Nick. Rather than his legal name, Nicholas. 

I am totally fed up with organizations that are supposed to help the poor. They are very creative in getting rid of clients.  

If a lawyer suspects that a client does not fully understand what she is signing and still leads her to commit perjury, it is both unethical and criminal.

Unethical: The lawyer is failing in their duty to ensure that the client fully understands the legal documents and proceedings. This violates professional conduct rules and can lead to disciplinary actions such as suspension or disbarment.

Criminal: Leading a client to commit perjury, especially when the client may not fully understand the implications, involves knowingly facilitating a crime. This can result in criminal charges against the lawyer, including potential imprisonment.

In this scenario, the lawyer’s actions breach both ethical standards and criminal laws, reflecting a serious abuse of their professional and legal responsibilities.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Can you demonstrate in front of a police station The world is going crazy.

 Does this mean no one can demonstrate in front of a police station.  Or is it just for those that pester.


While the RCMP is often taken to task about their lack of action when panhandlers and ne'er-do-wells loiter outside downtown businesses, one Kelowna senior is finding out the Mounties have a different approach after he spent too much time outside the detachment.

Cornelius Clemens Sierhuis, 66, appeared at the Kelowna courthouse, Oct. 9, having been convicted on the rarely used charge of mischief that "obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property."

Sierhuis' conviction relates to an incident in February 2023 whereby he spent four hours outside the Kelowna RCMP attachment on Ritcher Street approaching officers and trying to amend a court injunction.

He wouldn't take no for an answer when officers correctly told him it was a Saturday and he'd have to go to the courthouse on Monday to deal with the matter.

Crown prosecutor David Reznikov said there was no allegation Sierhuis had assaulted or pushed any of the officers but he had "belligerent conduct" towards the RCMP.

"It's obvious that Mr. Sierhuis has an animosity towards the RCMP and that animosity is a factor," the Crown told the court.

READ MORE: Truck thief chased down and caught by owner in Lake Country

He was arrested and represented himself in court and was ultimately convicted of the mischief charge.

The senior's prompt arrest is the polar opposite of the perception of many in their dealings with the RCMP.

recent survey in Kamloops found businesses frustrated with RCMP and bylaw officers some saying they felt abandoned by police. Over the years local media have reported multiple stories about people sharing their frustrations with the RCMP's perceived lack of action.

While Sierhuis ended up in handcuffs outside the cop shop he had a different take on the events.

"I have no shame or guilt over what happened here," Sierhuis told the court. "I respected those two officers that treated me like garbage."

The court heard that the day before the senior showed up at the Kelowna RCMP detachment, he was involved in an altercation with a neighbour at a rooming house where he lived.

Police gave him an undertaking not to go near the neighbour and not to go to the rooming house.

However, he wanted the undertaking changed so he called the RCMP detachment multiple times on Friday and again Saturday morning.

"I did everything I could over the phone, and I was completely blockaded. I had no choice. The roof over my head was being threatened," he said. "I had to go talk to someone."

Once at the cop shop, which was closed to the public as it was a Saturday, Sierhuis approached officers as they went in and out of the building.

"I never spoke to one person more than once. I never harassed anybody. I accepted everybody's answer and moved on hoping I could find one officer that would do his job properly," Sierhuis told the court.

READ MORE: Veteran Summerland RBC manager jailed for swiping $850K from seniors

Officers told him there was nothing they could do and he needed to go to the courthouse on Monday.

Nevertheless, he continued to remain at the police station and at one point banged on the door.

At the sentence hearing, the 66-year-old spoke at length, saying he was at the RCMP station "pleading" for help.

"Nobody wanted to help me. And then to get rid of me, they arrested me," he said.

Along with a sentence of two years probation, the Crown proposed a 50-metre no-go condition barring Sierhuis from going near the RCMP detachment or from calling the non-emergency line.

Provincial Court Judge David Ruse didn't agree with the no-go order.

"It's not like he has made a habit of going to the RCMP office and pestering them," Judge Ruse said. "It's a public institution. The public should be allowed to access (it)."

Ultimately, the senior was given 18-months of probation.

Sierhuis will be back in court later this month to find out whether he's guilty or not of an assault charge following the altercation at the rooming house.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Candace Cates and Leah Card

 I am having a very upsettling experience with Candace Cates and Leah Card, both lawyers from Kamloops BC.  If you have had an unsettling experience with both or either of these lawyers, let's talk.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

I have had it.

I haven't been very active on my Voice of Gone Ballistic blog.  I'm nearing the end of my life, so it seems like a waste of time. Others can comment. I'm afraid to go outside because every time I do, I see corruption. Not big corruption, because that's beyond my pay grade, but small corruption.

This afternoon, I was given a coupon for Freshslice Pizza. It was a bargain: two slices and a drink for $5.00, including tax. Luckily, I had a $5.00 bill. At the cash register, the cashier quoted me $5.40. I did not have .40 extra. I asked why 40 cents more, as the coupon said with tax. He explained it was the recycling fee.

I looked it up, and there it was: you are being charged a container recycling fee and a deposit fee. I understood that these fees are charged by grocery stores but I did not know they are being by a restaurant.  

But the deposit fee is only ten cents and the recycling fee is only 2 cents.  So why 28 cents more. Maybe they are charging 28 cents for the paper plate.

I accused the young man of dishonesty as one would believe that the omission of the recycling/deposit fee on the coupon for $5.00 was a sneaky way for a consumer to take advantage of the $5.00 coupon.

What Freshslice Pizza should have done was state the price of the pizza slices and drink and list the sales tax, GST tax, recycling fee for one can of pop, and deposit fee.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Busting movers: Inside the police raid (Marketplace)

This video is about fraud (scam) were the fraudsters have been charged. Finally, the police are saying that consumer fraud is a civil matter.  

Saturday, June 8, 2024

VSED and Euthanasia

 In Canada, an autistic 27-year-old suicidal woman known as M.V. — whose judicially approved euthanasia was delayed until at least October by her father’s claim that she does not qualify — is now starving herself to emotionally blackmail the court into allowing her to be killed expeditiously. From the CBC story:

On Tuesday, M.V.’s lawyer Austin Paladeau filed an application with the province’s top court asking for that stay to be lifted because of a “material change in circumstance.”

On May 28, M.V. commenced voluntary stoppage of eating and drinking (VSED).

“VSED is incredibly unpleasant and is increasing my suffering,” reads part of M.V.’s affidavit filed with the application.

“I would greatly prefer to receive MAID to reduce the suffering I have to endure to protect my autonomy in acting out a decision I have already made.”

M.V. says she cannot wait to die until Oct. 7 appeal.

Some thoughts.

  • Voluntary stoppage of eating and drinking (VSED) has been suggested previously by activists to people who do not otherwise qualify to be killed or assisted in suicide to risk imminent death and thereby become legally eligible to be made dead. The added twist here is the threat of suicide by starvation as an emotional cudgel to short-circuit normal court procedures.
  • M.V. claims that VSED is “incredibly unpleasant and increasing my suffering” — which certainly makes sense since starving to death is agonizing. Yet, VSED is pushed quite vigorously by organizations such as Compassion and Choices (formerly, the Hemlock Society) that claim that it causes little discomfort. Indeed, C & C claims, in its pro-suicide-by-VSED propaganda:

Since VSED is a natural process of dying, individuals can have a range of symptoms and experiences. Unwanted symptoms can typically be managed with medications from the doctor or hospice.

Some people express a sense of peace that they can “stop fighting” and describe feeling euphoria or pleasant light-headedness. Researchers believe there is an analgesic effect caused by dehydration that may explain this response.

Hmm. M.V. certainly doesn’t seem euphoric.

  • VSED doesn’t describe dying patients who stop eating as their organs shut down at the end of their lives. That’s a natural process that does not cause suffering. In contrast, the experience of VSED for a suicidal person whose body is not otherwise shutting down would be little different from being locked in a room without food and water for three weeks — which is why palliation is needed. To say the least, C & C dramatically underplays the potential for extreme discomfort.
  • Legalization activists promise that strict guidelines protect against abuse. But those limitations — such as they are — are meaningless if a suicidal patient can emotionally blackmail authorities on the threat of pursuing a more agonizing suicide.

Allowing euthanasia and/or assisted suicide unleashes drastic desires in suffering individuals and allows deadly, socially sanctioned actions that would have been unthinkable before doctor-administered or prescribed death became legalized and normalized. This is no longer about “slippery slopes” — it is demonstrated by abundant facts on the ground.

Friday, May 31, 2024

According to

 According to, a prick is a slang term for a jerk or an asshole.  An awful person who gets off being an asshole.

Another definition of what a prick is:  an obnoxious person, an unprincipled and selfish man who high-highedly abuses others, who capriciously exhibits little or no regard for justice.

This prick banned me from seeing my friend who is resident at the Kingsway Continental.  He said that if my friend let me into the building the resident would be EVICTED.  How can a prick keep me from visiting a friend and then threatening a tenant with eviction.  Is the prick breaking the law or is the prick following the law.  Knowing how screwed up the law is, maybe he is lawfully following the law. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren't Telling You: Don't do MAID, it is water boarding torture.

Fraser Health Authority will not give out autopsy of woman who died by MAID.  Why.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Do not resuscitate orders You do not have to have a euthanasia order, just a DNR order, to die.

DNR at 38 years of age

Finally after all these years my concerns is coming to the forefront.
DNRs are forced on patients.
DNRs means Do Not Treat.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ken Sim and the Constitution

 I have been under incredible stress these past weeks because of the behavior of Vladimiros Xanthopoulos, a prick who manages a City owned property:  the Kingsway Continental, social housing for low income mostly seniors. The prick is wanting to evict a 70 year old man who has mobility problems and cannot rush to a toilet when he needs to void because the prick has locked up the public access toilet in the building. Paul uses a walker and as Paul is obese he has difficulty rushing to anywhere. The incident was videotaped. It happened in the middle of the night. If he has an urgent uncontrollable need, he pees in a plastic container and then puts it in his basket that is part of his walker.  The videos are in the building for security purposes.  How can peeing in a plastic container be a security issue.  Who complained? And what is wrong with pee anyways, babies pee all the time and they do not get evicted.

The most egregious issue however isn't the peeing it is that the prick has refused me entry to the building to visit the tenant supposedly guilty of this terrible crime meaning so he will be evicted to the state of homelessness. The City is convinced that the RTA will evict my friend otherwise the City would not have authorized this utterly terrible process to happen.  The legal department knew of this crime and did nothing to stop this traumatic process.

A manager cannot prevent a visitor from visiting a tenant unless there is a court order.  But the City of Vancouver is doing it.  I wrote the mayor, the city manager, non-market housing, their legal department educating them but I have heard nothing.  This is a signal to tell the population that it is okay for a landlord to determine who and when a visitor can visit a tenant even if there are laws that say otherwise  nothing will happen to them.  If the City cannot enforce the law in its own building then there is no law.

You cannot trust the administration of mayor Ken Sim and the ABC.  

Stopping me from visiting Paul isn't a simple illegal crime, it is against our Constitution. The part that says we are guaranteed freedom of association.

We are in a totalitarian state policed by landlords. They become the judge, jury and executor arbitrarily.

Arbititarily means they can do what they want because even though there are laws against what they are doing like see the Constitution it is very hard to enforce and in this case how can a visitor enforce the right to visit a tenant. Will the Province call in the military.  Freedom of association is the right of every citizen in Canada. 

My friend is elderly, he needs help with his pending ridiculous eviction for pissing in a plastic container and also he needs support because he is elderly has serious medical conditions and someone has to look out for the vulnerables of our community.  The fact is a landlord does not have to know the reason a visitor wants to visit a tenant; demanding it is called invasion of privacy.  

Vlad is a prick that should be fired and so should Mayor Sim as the buck stops with him.

Vlad the prick is a real prick when he put the notice to evict on Paul's door, Paul did not notice it, did not know an eviction was imminent.  Vlad the prick must have been laughing each time he passed Paul's door knowing Paul did not read the notice as it was still posted on his door therefore Paul would not file a dispute note to contest the eviction. Sick. Sick. Sick. The evidence to this is that on the 15th of April Vlad was running up and down the hall of the Kingsway Continental saying that Paul was being evicted. Whatever happened to confidentiality.  Unbeknown to the prick was that I had helped Paul file a dispute note and it was being sent to the Kingsway Continental by registered mail so the dispute note was within the time limit.  I could not trust the prick to accept personal service so I sent it registered mail.  It is so easy for anyone to lie and say he did not get the dispute note. Look at the shoplifting problem we have, no one is honest any more.

Back to the most egregious issue and that is the Constitution and the disregard that Sim has for it. Sim nauseates me as he has or does make his money on the back of the medically disabled and seniors. Nurse Next Door Home Healthcare Service. His ownership of Nurse Next Door reflects his commitment to addressing healthcare needs in the community. Totally nauseating.  And even Klassen is involved with the new capitalist money maker; the elderly.  Maybe every single person on council has financial affiliations with robbing the elderly. A reporter should investigate this.

The point is me and the Constitution.  No one has the right to deny me visitation.  How dare the City do this.  And I am hopeful that Sim is dethroned from his throne.

It is 11:11 pm Paul just called.  Said he was having terrible dreams of being homeless and on the street.Was this mental torture necessary.  The City should not cause mental distress to a resident in one of its buildings.  All it has done is create a chilling effect on the other tenants so the other tenants are afraid.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Commentary about the April 7 2024 arrest of David ... It is a must see video.

BREAKING: Toronto Police just arrested our reporter David Menzies AGAIN

David Arrested Again April 7 2024

 David has been arrested and jailed again on Sunday April 7 2024 while reporting at a demonstration. The police seem to have gone power mad.  He was arrested for being in a public space. All this craziness is really upsetting me.  

And why is Ezra, the boss of Rebel News, sending out David to report where there might be violence and possible arrests.  David is 61 years old and I am sure there must be others half his age that work at Rebel News that could do this job.

Monday, April 8, 2024

How to create more rental spaces, rent to more than one occupant in one unit, charge 1/3 rent based on household income.

I invite all the landlords to choose among the hundreds of applications they have for a rental unit based on income a tenant earns.  Choice a tenant that earns $100,000 a year and charge rent at 1/3 of income or even 1/2 of income.  The more a tenant earns the least likely that the landlord will suffer financial loss as the tenant can afford to pay his rent and any additional charges like repainting his unit after he paints it black.

Thinking further, a landlord can rent one unit to as many occupants as he wants depending on any legal restrictions.

A landlord could allow ten tenants to a unit.  Average wage in 2023 in Vancouver BC was $25.00 an hour. Using the 1/3 guideline, he should be paying $1,400 a month rent ($16,666 a year rent)

A landlord could pack ten tenants in a rental unit and get 1/3 X $50,000 X 10 = $ 166,666 for one unit of housing using the 1/3 formula as opposed to 1/3 of $50,000 = $16,666 for one occupant.

Realistically four working adults could share a one-bedroom apartment that could generate $66,664 rent a year rather than $16,666. for one tenant. Two people sharing a one bedroom apartment would generate $33,000 for rent.

Packing ten people into each rental unit in Canada would eliminate the housing problem overnight. Landlords would welcome the windfall rent.



Thursday, April 4, 2024

David Menzies the Rebel April 4 2024 court appearance

David appeared at criminal court today to meet the charge of obstructing the police on March 15 2014 at a demonstration because he did not produce his ID fast enough.  His first court appearance.  No one was there: no crown prosecutor; no police witnesses; no disclosure (particulars).  The matter was adjourned to May 1 2024.  

David said he (Rebel News) will be suing the Toronto Police for false arrest, negligent investigating, false imprisonment and assault which are civil complaints. Under the Charter of Rights, the police violated David's freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of movement.  Years and years of litigation.  What $fun.


I am sure this also happens daily in Vancouver where police JUST arrest/detain people because they can  believing those arrested will not make them accountable for their flagrant disregard of citizen rights.  Them breaking the law to uphold the law isn't the way it should be.

Monday, April 1, 2024


 I do not know what is happening.  During the recent weeks, I have been experiencing extreme exhaustion.

All I seem to be doing is sleeping and upon waking wanting a sugar fix. If I go out for an hour or two, as soon as I return to my living space, I must sleep. Sleep is good but sugar is not.  For years I never had granulated white sugar in my house.  These past three weeks, I went through a five-pound bag, mostly by drinking tea. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

MAID in Canada!

Doing Medical Assistance in Dying with No Judicial Oversight.
The secrecy of it.
Viva Frei Vlawg
It is a private thing, not murder
justice dies in darkness...
liberty dies in darkness...
democracy dies in darkness...

Computer Nerd

 I have finally found the term to use whenever I am confronted with instructions to consult to go to a web page to find an answer that most probably I will not find as I am not a computer nerd and I do not speak computer nerd language.  My time is worth money and I resent corporations downloading their customer service to the customer's frustration. Try sending an email to the mayor of Vancouver or the chief of police or finding their phone numbers.  Try navigating Rebel News.

Friday, March 22, 2024

The arrest of David Menzies/Income discrimination in housing

 This morning when I woke up in a state of anxiety I reviewed David Menzies' arrest of January 8 2024 and his arrest of March 15 2024. It was a travesty.  The cops knew they were being filmed by Rebel News and they still did the arrests.  What an embarrassment for Canada.  I wonder how many hits the videos got.  Their bad behavior will be forgotten but David's reputation will be tainted forever.  Was he guilty of assaulting a police officer, was he guilty of obstructing police. Who is going to go to the trouble of researching/looking at the videos.  Guilty or not, he is tainted as the public would think why would the police charge anyone unless that person was guilty. 

I do not know why I even bother to view my emails  Each day there is something that I personally relate to causing me to be annoyed.  This time it was about a woman in Campbell River (Vancouver Sun March 21 2024)  She is looking for a new rental and she can't find one because she is not eligible as her income is not enough.  Her income is $2,500 a month and the rental is $1,600.  That means unless you are a high earner, market housing does not have to accept you as a tenant if you have a low income.  Why is it any concern of a landlord to know what your income is as long as you pay your first and last month's rent and the security deposit.  This is blatant discrimination by income. We are talking about shelter that is or should be a human right, not a credit card application. It is up to the renter to determine if he can pay the rent or not. There is no reason for a landlord to know what your salary is. What happened to confidentiality.   

As a side note: Like social housing, market housing should be rent based on household income. Those that rent cheap housing but make a high income should pay 1/3 of their household income for rent.  1/3 of $21,000 (annual rent) is $7000; 1/3 of $99,000 is $33,000. Those that live in cheap housing will quickly upgrade leaving the cheaper housing available to low-income households. I personally know of no one who pays more than 1/3 of their income on rent. But I know those that have paid cash for a new $80,000 car and have $500,000 in their bank accounts while paying $1,000 a month rent. Those that have lived in the same apartment for over ten years. I would live in a rent controlled apartment if I could bank $33,000 a year. 


A solution for the government is to tax household income after rent.  That can be done by taking 1/3 of a householder's income less his rental payment.  If a tenant is paying $1,000 a month and the household has $150,000 a year (or more) income, the difference 1/3 of $150,000 = $50,000, then $50,000 less $12,000 (rent to owner) = $38,000 additional disposal income.  The household pays 1/3 of its income for housing, and there is $100,000 left, enough to live comfortably. This meets the metric that rent should not be more than 1/3 of household income. The government should legislate that they get the difference ($38,000 ) and can use this money to increase the stock of housing for the poor and new immigrants.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Monday March 18 2024: Canada recognizes Hamas ...

 go to Rebel News and find if you can the podcast by Ezra 

Trudeau's Liberal-NDP cabal vies to become Canada's leading pro-Hamas government

Tue, March 19 2024
I am not sure what the headline means, but it sounds BAD.  
I am convinced that Rebel News has a plan to make sure its news does not reach most of us.What they present is so confusing. This podcast is hidden under SHOWS, then under Ezra Levant.Or go to Latest, Canada.
It looks like it is hidden behind a paywall but it isn't as I was able to click on it and the click worked.Find the podcast if you can.  It should be required listening for everyone.
On March 18 2024 our government decided to ,,,,
Within the podcast it was mentioned that Canada admitted 2.1 million new persons into Canada. No one should be admitted here unless they have a place to live.That means at least 500,000 new homes.  
Hamas provides its own statistics, so we have to believe them.

Side Note:  Did you know that CRIMINAL charges can be made against a police officer if they knowingly arrested someone without proper grounds, they could be charged with obstruction of justice or fabricating evidence.(i.e. without reasonable grounds or with faulty evidence).  Someone please tell David Menzies.


Monday, March 18, 2024

Hasn't seen a tree in two years

 Chris Carbert one of the Coutts Four blockage who was arrested said to Ezra Levant that he hasn't seen a tree in two years. He has been in jail in Lethbridge, Alberta.  What happened to the concept of a speedy trial, or bail.  See video Rebel News: Ezra Levant interviews the mother of one of the Coutts Four. Two years without seeing a tree.  What the hell is going on.

EXCLUSIVE: Ezra Levant interviews the mother of one of the Coutts Four


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Rebel News Latest David Menzies Arrested

SEARCH:  Rebel News, tab to Latest, read URGENT: Toronto Police Just Arrested David Menzies 15 March 2024.

You hear about the police being idiots, but now there is proof.  In Canada, there is no law that says you have to produce an ID except when driving a motor-vehicle. 

Since David did not produce his ID within a timely matter i.e. seconds, he was criminally charged with obstructing the police. They arrested him and disappeared him.  No one knows where he is.

But you have to look a little bit deeper, see the attitude of the police officer. It is what I tell you. 

50,000 Muslims live in Toronto and they can exercise their right to pray in public  (a ten-minute prayer ritual five times a day).  No ID required.  But David has to produce ID or be arrested.

This is even worse than the reasoning for the secular law passed in Quebec (Bill 21) last month where government employees that are in positions of influence (like teachers) cannot wear religious grab but members of parliament can wear brightly coloured designer turbans (like Jagmeet Singh) to confuse. 

Church and State have to be separate.  

The video has to be watched: the horror of the state coming down on David, taking away his freedom by a nonsense charge.  If the police can do this to David for not producing his ID, they can disappear each of us.

We cannot trust the police.  


Friday, March 15, 2024

Love this.

 April 12 2024

Awoman ended up giving birth outside the locked doors of the Sainte-Croix hospital in Drummondville, Que., early Tuesday morning in a turn of events Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé has since called "unacceptable."

The woman, her husband and two-year-old son mistakenly showed up at the hospital's main entrance instead of heading to the emergency department, a five-minute walk away. 

A security guard working inside the building spotted the family and tried redirecting them with hand signals but did not open the door. It wasn't until a patient alerted staff on the fifth floor that two nurses rushed outside to help the woman as she gave birth on a park bench. 

In a statement to Radio-Canada, authorities at the CIUSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec said they're looking into what happened. They said the security guard "was removed from work for failing to assist in this situation" and will no longer be assigned to any of their facilities. 

The vice-president of the security agency Radar Sécurité, Éric Cantin, said the employee did not properly evaluate the situation. "From his point of view, he didn't see the distress in the person's behaviour," he told Radio-Canada.

Dubé said hospital authorities have apologized to the woman and her family and have put in place clarifying measures. 

The hospital says the main entrance is always locked overnight for security reasons and that no other incidents have been reported in relation to this. Patients at that entrance can also communicate with staff through an intercom.

Still, the hospital says it will modify its signs so they clearly indicate to patients where to go when the doors are locked.


My comment:  All front entrances of hospitals should be open 24/7. Front entrances are a beacon.  In five minutes a person could be dead. A five-minute WALK...

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Never ending ...

I am fed-up with technology, another day, another problem.

I was needing to get some cash to pay for a lawyer and when I inquired how can I borrow money from my credit card, I was told that I had no credit available.  Unbeknown to me in December 2023 the credit card company changed my address for billing from a physical address to on-line.  I was not getting paper statements.  So on top of everything else my source of emergency funds is no longer available.  I need a lawyer and I have no funds



Sunday, March 10, 2024

Tech problems

 I have been having a lot of problems with my tech devices.  Hours and hours are wasted.   I wonder what would happen if the World Wide Web went down.  Civilization as we know it would be over.  

Monday, February 26, 2024

DNR, DNT Orders by Dr. Dunn, VCHA

 I was thinking back to November 2013 when Dr. Dunn put on a DNR and a DNT on Randy.  By accident I found out about the Orders and told Dr. Dunn to remove them (and Randy signed a directive) and he refused.  On the day he should have died and me telling him to take off the DNR/DNT he refused saying that it was not his decision and he would consider it on his return trip from Prince George.  A few hours later my husband was in medical distress and I called 911. Randy was transferred from GPC to Vancouver General Hospital and he survived.  When I allow myself to think about it I get very upset. Dunn wanted him dead. And what did VGH do because I called 911, they banned me from entering George Pearson Centre. Later they banned me from all VCHA properties. How dare I stop a hastened death. They created a horrendous hate against me to justify the bannings. I did not know the extent of the hate until years later i.e. when the manufactured hate came to surface.

DNT means do not transfer from GPC to any hospital

DNR means do not attempt to resuscitate Randy if he has difficulty breathing  He was having difficulty breathing and the staff would not give him oxygen.,

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