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Friday, July 10, 2020

Joel Morris July 10 2020

I told Joel Morris that I was not available to be at court on October the 15th or 16th of October 2020 so what does the cry baby do, he writes to Scheduling.  He does not ask me when I will be available.  I suspect he is trying to move up the application just to be what he is: Caligula.  He is an immature journalist lawyer using "sound bites" to convince that I have no respect for the law.  Lawyers make arrangements among themselves without going to court for a decision on a minor thing. I am not a lawyer so he can be as mean as he wants.  This application was not necessary. But he knows I am afraid of courts so he does this.  It was only to anger me and for Joel to further his education on how to psychologically terrorize parties. This is no rush for this application to be heard.  But he is going to make a point.  

Who does Joel Morris works for.  He works for the most powerful institution in Canada.  It is the Canadian Medical Protection Association.  It isn't an insurance company it is a UNION wherein their management and members act like the mafia. They are worse than the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons. They take no prisoners.  And who pays for each member of this mafia, it is the provincial governments. The taxpayer.  It is perverse. Each member is protected no matter how bad they are and the provincial government sanctions their behavior by paying for it. If you sue a physician they lose no money or sleep over yet.  I am surprised that no one has taken them to task yet.  No one schould have such a monopoly which only results in corruption.  We are living in a totalitarian regime and we do not know it. Believe it, medicine is more powerful than Bay Street and real estate. And we are in the dark.  No accountability; no nothing.  Even the physicians knowing that noting will happen to them become corrupt.  

To Scheduling,

The parties have been unable to get this application scheduled for hearing.

Can you please provide dates for the parties to appear before Madam Justice Iyer for 30 minutes between 9:00am-10:00am to seek directions regarding this application.

Thank you,


Joel Morris
Partner| Harper Grey LLP

3200 – 650 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4P7
T  604.895.2887 | F  604.669.9385

Joel Morris

3:50 PM (2 hours ago)

to me, SC,,,

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