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Sunday, November 15, 2020

From my blog in 2018 August 19

Sunday, August 19, 2018

From an Ontario case.  Not mine. Over one hundred Ontario lawyers refused to represent me even as they acknowledged the veracity and power of my evidence. Many told me that while they personally sympathized with my situation facing injustice and corruption, they feared backlash and opprobrium from the profession if they harmed or even challenged the involved senior lawyers and their large Bay Street law firms.

Substitute Ontario Lawyers with the lawyers who represent the VCHA and the PGT.  I have been searching for eight years to get a lawyer. Why should it have been so difficult.  Not one of them offered to read my story (or read my blog) or read my amateur pleadings. But these lawyers sure knew how to advise VCHA on how to make a fake case against we.  They even got the police involved, unknown visitors, unknown experts, unknown patients, unknown staff, evidence based on gossip.  Believe it, gossip is now considered truth in a court of law.

It was about the hastening of my husband's death and they all believed my husband's life had no quality of life and they all had to help him kill himself.  It was in Randy's best interest.

When did doctors become devils..... the evil created by the medical industrial complex.  We do not have to worry about hidden agenda of hidden weapons of mass destruction only whispers of death from those you are suppose to trust.   From the first day I spoke to a social worker in 2010 I was told that I should just sign off and let the PGT look after Randy.  Another nurse told me not to push for agressive treatment.  And then there is Ro who told me that everyone at GPC has a DNR on them and them (the residents) not even knowing what a DNR was. And she believed that Randy had no quality of life.  So she made sure that my access to him was limited to ensure that he had no reason to live.  Up to April 4 2014 when Randy was admitted to VCH I always had full access to him at VGH but she Ro phoned Emergency and prevented me from seeing him.  She knew Randy was dying and wanted to make sure that he did die and die alone.

I would not abandon my husband so they made sure that they did it for me.  It was not in the best interest of my husband to live so I had to be punished/banned (2014) for life from all VCHA premises so that I would never see him again, not even on his death bed. And this came to pass.

Like Nurse Ratchet said to me, that I could not do anything to her as she was a civil servant.  The rest of them are protected by the Canadian Medical Protection Association.  The CMPA is not  an insurance company, it is a union, with tons of money and very little ethics.  No member no matter how bad he is has even be disfellowed. He has insurance for life no matter what harm he does.  So he has nothing to worry about.  And to add insult to injury it is the tax payer who pays the union dues on behalf of the physicians.Unlike the US where the physicians have to pay their own insurance premiums.

And I am still angry over my wanting to know from David Bell, partner in Guild Yule, what did I do and his response was "I knew what I did."  I said no, tell me what I did.  HE REFUSED.  So he created this expensive litigation which will eventually embarrass the government over what.  I have no idea.  I would still like to know why they wanted me to be escorted to the toilet when I was visiting Randy.  I use DEPENDS so I never had to use their toilet.  What did I do wrong.  Lawyers are not allowed to create litigation to satisfy the whim of risk management.  And then there is Dr. Dunn, Dr. Roberts and Dr. Hay who hide from being serviced with a Notice of Civil Claim.  These are professionals hiding from due process.  The College of Physicians and Surgeons should fine them $100,000 each for not respecting the law.  Physicians are given incredible amount of power and they abuse it.

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