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Saturday, December 26, 2020

26 December 2020 4:17 am

 I just woke up feeling a bit normal from the trauma of this past week.  I hope nothing triggers a further relapse. The trauma was caused by the horrific realization that the court made a mistake and the defendant respondents knowing of the  mistake did nothing to correct the mistake which was their duty to do. 

 I think back to October 22 2014 wherein I was assaulted by the staff at George Pearson Centre in their zeal to prevent Randy from leaving the premises.  My self-defence was never mentioned.  Just the fact that the police were called and I caused a disruption.  Those that attacked me were out-of-control.  It was I who demanded that the police be called and after the officer looked at my representation agreement, he was pissed.  He convinced me to let Randy stay at the facility and deal with management in the morning.  

 My complaint was never addressed.  Everything was calm until it wasn't.  A few days later Randy got sick and was sent to VGH and we were safe.  Risk management however was busy shifting the blame from the staff to me.  It was surreal.  They even got WorkSafe BC involved who agreed that I should be 100% banned from all VCH properties in the province because I posed a threat to the safety of the staff who attacked me. During this time I was transformed from being a jolly fat old lady to a skeleton.   

 I am feeling extremely tired again.  Time to sleep again.

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