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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 9 2020 Response to the demands for costs...

December 9, 2020, @4:10 am

After reading the emails from the defendant litigators yesteday demanding that I pay legal costs immediately I did what a PTSD victim does: avoidance, I went to sleep.  Shoot the messenger they did.  They did not have to use the word "immediately." I am beyond rage, I am numb.

I ask that they do not garnishee my old age pension cheque as that is the only income I have. And besides paying my rent, I need money to pay for a psychologist. 

The clients the defendant litigators act for are the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (Dr. Peny Ballem, Adrian Dix), the Public Guardian and Trustee (Catherine Romanko, David Eby), lawyer David Doig, and Dr. James Dunne. 

 They are the ones who told the defendant litigators to demand IMMEDIATE payment

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