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Saturday, June 13, 2020

13 June 2020 @ 12.17 pm @5:52 pm

@ 12,17 am The cold of my living space woke me up.  I am freezing cold and shivering.  My body is still wanting to sleep. My eyes are wanting to close.  I am covering myself with additional blankets so I can get warm again and fall asleep. When next I wake I hope to have some energy.  This is what happens each time the tribe does things in this unequal field. I want the hurt in my teeth to go away.

@5:52 pm  I just woke up and I am soaking wet. My hands are wet as they attempt to slide over the keyboard. Nothing gets done again.

This is what happens each time I have to deal with the tribe.  It takes me days to get over when I get an email from the tribe.

No one should be allowed to go to court without a lawyer. And there is no method to force a lawyer to act for you.  Through the decades the process has become more and more complex and the judiciary more and more inflexible.

 On Monday I am going to repeat the purpose of a lawyer as per the law society.  At the moment I can't bear to fact check it but I assure you what they do and what they are supposed to do are polar opposites.

My eyelids can't stay open and I am freezing cold again.

@10:45 pm  I woke again.  Hot and soaking wet.  My mind is blacnk.  I want to sleep again.

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