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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sean Taggart Powell River

A few days ago I came across a young woman at Oakridge mall who said that she was a care worker for Sean Taggart.  She said that Sean decided on euthanasia as he was just tired of fighting for care.  VCHA saved a few dollars by Sean's euthanasia.  His death was hastened and no one is screaming.


I just came from the deli at Safeway.  I ordered a vegetable quiche, warmed, please. 

The young lady said I would have to pay for it first.  Strange.  A customer chooses the food, then it is warmed, and then you pay.

She explained that customers will ask for warmed food and then walk out of the store without paying.

What dumb logic.  Customer can just ask for unwarmed food and walk out without paying.

Who comes up with these illogical policies?

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Beware: Hospitals think "do not resuscitate" means you don't want to live

Hip-fracture surgery patients who opt for DNRs reduce their changes of surviving their hospital stay.  At Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, researches found that "morality was over two times greater" for patients with DNRs than those without them.

For the healthiest patients, the impact was even more extreme.  DNRs upped their risk of dying in the hospital from 3 percent to 17 percent.

DNRs are dangerous even if you are healthy.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Duping Delight

I came across what "duping delight" means. It is what happened to me at the hands of the VCHA.  From social workers, administrators, nurses and a physician when they asserted that I had no legal rights regarding my husband.

Duping delight is what happens when a person in a position of power looks down on you and displays a half-smile (or a quarter-smile).  When this would happen to me I was taken aback into silence as I believed this was not true. How could I not have any rights when it concerned my husband.  And after all these years I found out that they were correct.

VCHA could have you banned and your power of attorney and representation agreement revoked based on collateral (snowflake) gossip without even telling you aforehand.  The PGT is supposed to be independent but it does what VCHA tells it.

I was talking to a resident from George Pearson Centre recently and was told that no one complains as they will be punished.  The only problem with that reasoning is that if patients are compliant then it is easier to kill them.

And now I have been told (November 8, 2019) that I have to pay advanced costs in the amount of $16,000 by December 31 2019 to VCHA/PGT or my application/case against the health authority and the PGT cannot go forward. So what is the point. You do the right thing and you are blocked by lack of money.   I will never get a court decision. It is called security for costs. 


I also would like you to listen to minutes 2 to 10 on YouTube which will tell you that DNRs could hasten your death. What Does that DNR Really Mean? Dr. F. Mararchi.  Posted June 29 2019.


DNRs are dangerous for patients with pneumonia, trauma, strokes, vascular problems and other treatable conditions, according to studies in the Archives of Internal Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. An analysis of California hospitals published found that patients had higher death rates in hospitals that encourage DNRs.  My take is that if a patient cannot be encouraged then they coerce patients to agree to a DNR.  VCHA never tells a patient why a DNR is dangerous.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Wanting to Live

Dear Diana

I am at the end of my life and I know what I want:  I need a safe secure place to be in so I can develop the Randy Michael Walker Foundation to educate so we know what the health authorities are doing to hasten death.  Longevity is going down and it is not because of opioids.

I want you to go to You Tube and watch the first ten minutes of the video:  What does that DNR Really Mean by Dr. Fred Mirarchi posted June 29  2019.  If you have ever truly loved anyone, you will want every moment to be with him.

I am talking about people wanting to live, not about people who want to die.

All this talk about DNRs and Euthanasia is about people wanting to die.  If you want to live when you are sick, resources are limited.  See Roger Foley from Ottawa and Sean Tagert from Powell River.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Violently suctioning

Dear Diana:

I violently just woke up shakening and crying remembering how Randy was violently being suctioned by staff to the point he did not want them to touch him.  And VCHA are the professionals we trust to look after us when we are hospitalized. 

Every single patient in hospital should be assigned camera surveillance to protect the patient from harm andnot give privacy to inflict pain to patients.

My PTSD will never leave me. 

Friday, October 4, 2019


At the court application today it was mentioned that I could only see Randy on the grass next to the sidewalk at George Pearson Centre . Note outside on the grass in inclement weather. After two meeting I was told by the manager, Ro Angm that ti was too much work for her to arrange so I could not see him any more.

The lawyer did not mention that the meetings were less than ten minutes each and we were surrounded by security guards and staff.

I do not know what they were protecting.  Randy was dying and I could not be with him.

I still do not know why an independent investigation was not done at that time but then those that do the investigations are the ones who banned me.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Resuming my blog

Finally after all this time, my communications and my ability to post blogs are working.

I do not know why it takes so long to get techonology resuming.

I had water damage to all my devices and it is only now that they are working.

Trying to coordinate and get things done caused nothing but frustration and and I could not do much more.

Then there was the damage water from the two rain floods that entered my unit.  What a mess.

I am going to write Ralf Nader maybe he can do something about making devices wterproof.  It is a safety issue in our age of technology/communications.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


My SHAW phone is in need of repair. I need a landline costing me $42.00 per month because I have to have access to 911 as I live alone, am a senior, and am not well. SHAW scheduled an appointment for September 30 2019. They do not have emergency appointments as its customers always say everything is an emergency.

I haven't had use of my phone since September 12 2019, the day when my lower duplex was flooded by the rain.  The owner has not offered to clean up the mess or repair the water drainage pipe which was clogged because of no maintenance.

The owner is arranging for me to move to a SRO in the DTES.  I have an advocate who thinks the offer of one month's free rent and moving expenses is generous. The movers would move my possessions soaking wet within a few days as this is an emergency situation as it is not safe for me to live here.

I can't even go across the street to Safeway as I might not pay attention to the traffic and I might cause an accident.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Now a little rain destroyed all my devices

Twenty years ago Randy was saying that the computers were going to destroy the world.  He meant by military action.  What is going to destroy the world is a little rain as a little rain can destroyed all our computer devices.  Why hasn't someone told us.  Computers are not water proof.  this safety hazard has not been addressed. They keep selling defective devices. All my communication devuces were destroyed by a flash rain that temporarily flooded my place on Thursday September 12 2019.  We have no Ralph Nader fighting as he did for safety belts for motorvehicles. They know it but they won't fix it.   We are only as strong as our weakest link.  A perfect rain of limited duration is allthat it takes, a few minutes. They know and they continue selling defective devices.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Not feeling well.

This confirms my last will and testament as I haven't been anle to execute it.  I leave all my assets to Diana Ford of Ottawa, Canada.

I have been under a great deal of stress these past days and I fear I may not wake up should I go to sleep.

Audrey Jane Laferriere September 15, 2019.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

In the moment

In the moment I do not want to say anything on my blog.  Maybe later.  There is so much to talk about but I feel tired.

Call it exhaustion or writer's block.  It was like when I quit sugar, I quit cold. No side effects

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Forcing Randy to return to GPC

I have a witness who says "I saw Randy at St. Paul's just before they transferred him back, and they could see that he really didn't want to go."

From the very beginning I begged that the DNR be put on hold until Randy had legal advice, independent medical opinion, and a priest.  All were ignored by Dr. Dunn.  And the social worker who is an officer of the court and is suppose to be looking after Randy's best interests runs from all responsibility.

Randy has told me that he is afraid of Dr. Dunn and any confusion as to what Randy wants would be clouded by that fact alone.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Email to St Pauls Hospital December 2012

This is a paragraph in an email to St. Paul's Hospital 12 December 2012.

"We understand that there is no where else for him to go and I have been in communication with Bob Chapman, Director of Risk Manager for VCH, that Randy would consider returning to GPC on certain conditions.  These conditions are not being met or even discussed.  In the past Randy was moved back to GPC with out his consent or even my knowledge.

We have decided according to  your policy posted in his room (7B-7017-1) that if a patient is unwilling to leave St. Paul's, that the hospital charge us the full-cost of his ongoing stay.  This we agree to."

The powers never discussed this email with us.  A copy of this email was signed by Randy and given to St. Paul's Hospital.

Randy was covertly sent back to GPC on Christmas Eve....

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

18 December 2012 surprise

This is part of an email dated December 18 2012:  A week later Randy was moved from St. Pauls to George Person Centre and GPC removed the talking valve from Randy's trach and he could not talk any more.  I was told because they did not have the staff to monitor Randy.  I said I would monitor Randy and GPC refused.  This is one way VCH hastens death as it engages in psychological abuse which lessens a patient's quality of life.  If you have no quality of life what is the point of living. If you can speak but they won't let you speak what message is that.  What constitutional freedom has the health authority taken away?

"When I went to see Randy at 1:00 am (December 18 2012) he kept pointing to his trach and I did not know what he wanted until the RT came and said he can talk.  He can whisper and you can hear the words.  He told me that I love you.  Randy has so much hope now."

- - - - - - - - - -    Minister of Health     Minister Responsible for the Public Guardian and Trustee

Monday, June 17, 2019

Stealth Guardianship/Slavery

This was the same lawyer who in 2014 blindly followed the instructions of his client who without any real evidence decided that I was incapable of being my husband's power of attorney or health care representative. The evidence would never stand up in court, it was of a snowflake variety. The allegations were only used to dissuade/upset me from persuing the matter. On the surface it looked good but when it melted it would go into the sewer.

The PGT can act without court orders.The PGT lawyer also agreed that there be a blanket restraining order against me. This lawyer went to the other side to protect VCHA rather than a vulnerable who had to be protected from those who conspired among each other based on rumour that I was a person that should never see my husband again.

VCHA was hastening the death of my husband and the PGT knew and decided that it was okay for them to do so.  Randy's lawyer thought it was a good idea as well.

It was him who prevented me from seeing my husband from the time the PGT retained him until my husband's death since the PGT owns everyone and Catherine Romanko only allows citizens to exist independently at her pleasure.  It is stealth slavery.

Although my husband died on April 13th, it really was April 4th or earlier, as it was from then he was unresponsive. VCHA would not even allow me to see a dead man.

I will tell you how covert the PGT is.  You cannot even find out off the internet who she is.  The only place is in its Annual Report which is an extremely lavish report done for David Eby.

In the small print it states that the PGT controls $billion of assets that belong to vulnerable people.  I wonder if there is a way that the government borrows from these assets when they need a few hundred million dollars.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Crimes of the Defendants

I awoke soaking wet, with my teeth hurting.  I suspect it is the way my body is reacting to the trauma I am facing.  The defendants will never cease tormenting me until their crimes are hidden absolutely.  The genocide of the vulnerables has to continue.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The slow genocide

It is 4:20 in the morning Saurday June 15 2019 I was awaken soaking wet like I have been many mornings.  My mind was witnessing the slow genocide of us who have been targetted by the medical profession that we should die if we are chronic, diseased, old or just difficult to deal with. A genocide executed over time one-by-one covertly using confidentiality that "useless eaters" have to be disposed of. And we have given each physician the power of a legal tribunal to do this.  He is judge, jury and executioner.  To ensure that this policy is enforced, the sick are eventually referred to hospitalists and they make the ultimate decision in the name of expertise and efficiency.

I am exhausted.  I need to sleep...

You will benefit in death as you are no longer suffering.  

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Randy dying

I keep remembering how Randy died.  The person I blame is Ro Ang.  She was a nurse with a masters degree and the manager of GPC.  And with all her responsibilities she was able to get to  know Randy intimately and she knew that Randy wanted his death hastened.  Not true, she did not known him and Randy did not know her.  She knew Randy was dying as did everyone else said and yet she decided that it would be in the best interest of Randy to hasten his death with all their cooperation and it would be in the best interest of Randy to exclude me from his life as he died. Everyone was on board with hastening his death including the LPNs (lowest paid nurses). All strangers.No pro life people there. Randy could not talk or write so how was his wishes communicated.

I have vivid visions of Ro being arrested by the police at George Pearson Center.  Handcuffed and paraded in front of the 100 patients there and reporters taking pictures.

Ro even prevented me from seeing Carolanne although I got a court order.  What a dysfunctional she was, and is.

One lawyer I went to said VCHA and the PGT would not have done this unless it was true.  Trying to convince her otherwise was impossible. I think I will mention her name in my next post. A lawyer to avoid.

And what were they deciding at the very end i.e. a few days before Randy died that I would be able to see him if Randy paid for a security guard. It would be by way of a court order.  I would have restrictions as to hours and not being able to talk to anyone or assist Randy in anyway.

What a compromise. What a humiliation.  What an insult. And I would be judged by my tone of voice and be banished from any contact.  

And as he lay dying within his last hour, I was not allowed to comfort him.  He would not have known if I was trying to comfort him or not as he was unconsious.  I was told by a ICU doctor that Randy could have lived longer if he was put on a ventilator.  Randy suffered needlessly. He was always afraid.

I was told that it was all because of my blog. It was my fault how Randy died.  Lawyer Don Morrison told me this.

Not one of them acted with any compassiosn.  VCHA and PGT are dangerous entities. And the media who would not help is also dangerous.


Monday, June 3, 2019

Fake News

Fake news was not invented by Trump, it was invented by lawyers ....

While I am at this I want this to be directed at the Ulta Right people.  Why lying is so common is that our education system teaches drama in schools.  What is drama, it is the perfection of lying.  Drama should be dropped from all educational institutions. To start with, no employer should hire anyone with any training in drama.

Sunday, June 2, 2019


I just read the reasons/judgment as published by Westlaw.

It is a document that ensures that I will never be able to get another lawyer again.  It blames me and not the unreasonableness of the defendants.  I have PTSD because of the bullying behaviors of the defendants and it takes longer for me to process documentation/information. I am not trained to be a lawyer. Instead of allowing me time they kept with applications to dismiss and then me having a lawyer only made it easier.  They decided to have the courts do their "dirty work." They knew I had at least 100,000 pages of documents and the lawyer could not address the information quickly and the cost would be outrageous.  Medical information being 5,000 pages alone.  Then there were two other actions which contained documents that would have to be listed.  And during this time I had two actions with the College of Physicians and Surgeons who did not follow due process.  And then you have a defendant psychologist who worked for Fraser Health for over 25 years as chief psychologist, a friend of the manager of GPC, who threatened that she would get a restraining order if I mentioned her name in my blog or anywhere else. She inferred that I did not have PTSD and I could conduct this litigation post haste.  She is a psychologist assessing me from twenty miles away. All the defendants networked/conspired to to say that I should be banned from all VCHA properties for life.  Name one thing I did to deserve this severe prohibition.

And of course if I lose by a technical error (use of bad judgment) then I will be faced with legal costs to pay the defendants for their bad faith management.

I always had respect for the law.  It is the lawyers who do not respect the law.  In one instance I tried to protect a new master from embarrassment as he was misled by the defendants by asking the defendants to grant me a stay and they refused. I never filed anything.  I only threatened the defendants with a draft as I did not want to go to court again and ask for a stay of proceedings which the defendants could have given me by consent and Morris instead of talking to me wrote a letter to scheduling and that letter got to the master.  This is one of the reasons litigation is so expensive rather than consent litigators go to court at $425.00 an hour.  It is ridiculous.  I knew at that time I could not do the litigation alone as I had no lawyer and I was faced with CPC Orders that were impossible to meet.

Morris went one step too far on this one accusing me that I had no respect for the law and using the court to defame me.

He is very good at telling judges what they should think and adjudicate.  And in this case "word-for-word." Morris is an officer of the court and the court usually defers to them.

Now I have to deconstruct the judgment which will only increase my stress and take me away from continuing with listing the 100,000 documents.

I am sure the judge, who is a relatively new judge, is going to be furious at Morris for not providing full information to her.  There is a decision by Chief Justice MacEachern that tells the parties that this must happen.

The point is that his client, Dr. Dunne, attempted/facilitated hastening the death of my husband and in the process made me a basket case. I have to clarify that.  Dr. Dunne did not want to hasten the death of my husband but was told by VCHA to do so.  Most patients are coerced into agreeing to withdrawal of treatment be it by way of a DNR or Euthanasia. The logic of health professionals is that the patient is going to die anyways so hastening death by a few hours, a few days, a few weeks, or a few months will save resources to be used for a rich kid injured in an extreme/dangerous sport or for the excellent medical care politicians are afforded.  Have you noticed how old in years elderly active or retired politicians are in any country of the world. No president of the US has ever been told that medical services will be terminated because the care offered is futile and then they are starved to death.  They get VIP service and the rest of us be damned. What happens if a sick patient wants to live as long as possible. This is the promise we believe.  I do not want my death hastened. But how can one prevent it... wink-wink and you are gone.

And I will have to mention David Bell and his "advice" to VCHA resulting in obstruction of justice.  I got a court order to say I could see Carolanne at George Pearson Centre and someone got to her and Carolanne told me that VCHA told her not to see me as seeing me would get ME into trouble.  VCHA defacto took away her right to visitors.  I even got a witness who talked to Carolanne and she said that yes she still wanted to see me.  I told David and he just ignored us.  Subsequently Carolanne has been put on a No Contact List so no one knows where she is. I keep sending her cards and they are never returned.

How could I not have PTSD and worse.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Kim's Market

I purchased yesterday from Kim's market a small amount of cherries.  I was a bit disappointed as they were not sweet, a bit sour..  The cost $4.55 for 16 cherries.  Everything is so expensive.  I have given up going to Tim Horton's for my morning coffee.  The only thing I see in my future is abject poverty.  My only regret is that I did not try hard enough to save Randy,,,,

Thursday, May 23, 2019

23 May 2019 Did they hasten Randy's death because he was chronic or because I was friendly.

I think at times why am I doing this litigation.  At the beginning it was easy.  It was to make VCHA, PGT, and the other defendants accountable for their behaviors.  A judge told them to work with me but they refused and then I got a lawyer they also refused to work with him. Lawyere are insiders, they are suppose to treat each with respect but this is not what is happening.  They are making my lawyer look incompetent and stupid in front of the judiciary.

The CMPA will do anything to prevent class actions against their guild members. The CMPA could be best described as a union. They behave like thugs.  The CMPA is not an isurance company but they pay for lawyering of all physicians. Membership fees are paid on behalf of each physician by the provincial government. In the US physicians are careful because if they screw up their insurance goes up or the insurer will refuse to pay future claims.  But this does not happen in Canada.  Physicians can make as many mistakes as they want as the guild (their brothers) looks after them.

This whole thing should not have happened.When this started (I thought) I was being friendly and an advocate for my husband and the next thing I am having my hours restricted to seeing my husband at GPC.

As years went by I was being bullied as I did not know what they were going to do next.  Even now I shake thinking about it. I was once accused of stealing orchids from the grounds.  They phoned the cops.  I was always glad when Randy had to go to VGH because then I could visit him whenever I wanted and he was better cared for than at GPC.

In 2013 Randy had one too many admissions to VGH and it was decided that Randy was chronic and he should not live any more.  They rationed his treatment and also reported me to the PGT that I was not a fit person to be my husband's health care representative.  They arranged that Randy be declared incompetent and got an order signed by the mental health designate who works for VCHA to revoke my power of attorney and VCHA refused to abide by my husband's representation agreement even though they had no court order to do so.  As soon as they would get a court order then the PGT would become committee of his person and it would agree with VCHA that it would be in the best interest of Randy that his death be hastened. Randy was being sentenced to death and Randy knew it. He was afraid. How is it possible that they can do it to him.

On January 23 2014 I was 100% banned from all VCHA properties for life because I was disrespectful to managment (i.e. I was against DNRs) and I was violent.  On October 21 2013 with Randy's consent we were exiting from GPC and I was physically mobbed and assaulted by staff at GPC.  I wanted charges laid against the staff and Paladin but the police refused to do anything.  The staff attacked me, forbade Randy from leaving GPC by force, and then Risk Management decided to use that incident to plead that I was violent and that was why I had to be banned forever.  They lied and said that I was trying to run staff over with Randy's electric wheelchair.  Randy did not have an electric wheelchair.  They forced/threw me in a chair and two of them sat on me and would not let me leave.  When the police finally came, I told them that I had a represention agreement and they read it and then left me alone.  Because I was shaking so much and crying they suggested that I go home.  I wasn't able to see Randy until after a week later when he became sick again and he had to go to VGH.  At that time I did not know why he was being sent to VGH.  I was always told he is being sent to VGH for observation.  After Randy's death I was able to access his medical records and on that admission and many other admissions it was noted by VGH that he had to be better suctioned.  If a trach person is not being suctioned it will lead to pneumonia and death.

And another thing VCHA never gave me the heads-up on the three patients at VGH  who died because staff did not know how to use a passey-muir valve.  I was told this by three RTs.  Of course they want me to be banned for life as VCHA cannot control every word a staff member speaks.  I am a friendly person, people talk to me.  When you are an old lady that is what people do.

Another timbit:  the PGT knew that VCHA was attempting to kill Randy on November 18 2013 and they did nothing.

I am not sure if they killed Randy because he was chronic or because I was overly friendly.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 19 2019

I do not want to get old.  I am so tired all the time I can't seem to do anything although I am always doing something.  Just bits and pieces.  I just noticed my $150 blouse from Nordstroms has a rip on the front seam where the buttons are..  I have never ever washed the blouse and now I have to spend an afternoon going downtown and exchanging it.  And since Friday (two Fridays ago my transit pass did not work.  Cliche in the system so I have to attend at the Translink office downtown to get an interim pass. Then I notice out the window a middle-aged man trespassing and he is crushing four large bags of cans.  He said to me that the bus driver would not allow him on the bus as he has too many cans so he has to crush them so he can go downtown and sell them at Together We Can.  Then my computer is acting up and I have to find my way down to London Drugs and maybe they can tell me if it is serious or not.  I have been under additional stress thinking about the litigation and I have chewed off my nails.  I am 75 years old and I am biting my nails. What a state I am in. My vision is failing and my teeth hurt (nerves).  I am totally burnt out.  And I would really like to know what VCHA did to Carolanne.  I was told that she had a no contact order on her. No one knows where she is.  Carolanne most likely does not know she has a no contact order on her and she is angry because no one is visiting her,  I checked with Vital Statistics and the coroner so she is still alive: no death reported. VCHA does what ever it wants and since the media will not report on its bad behavior they keep doing whatever they want. And when I asked David Bell why was I banned fromVCHA, his answer was: You know what you did.  And I said no I did not know what I did.  He is not authorized to tell me where Carolanne is either. We are becoming a dark state and no one is screaming. And Nova Scotia has now passed legislation that says your dead body can be used for organ transplants automatically.  You have to go out of your way while alive to inform the government that you do not want your body used this way.  Saying you agree to an organ transplant is an advanced directive which do not meet the requirements for a legal advanced directive or informed consent. And what would happened if you did not have a driver's licence. Who owns your body after death.  Since removing an organ is not medical treatment, I wonder how the law defines it.  Since you are going to die anyways, why not allow the removal of your organs before death, so organs are in pristine condition to be transplanted. Removing an organ will cause your death before you die.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Langara path

In 2011, at this time of year, I was in a conversation with a woman doctor.  Both of us were walking on the pathway surrounding the Langara golf course.  She mentioned that she had just put her mother down by starving her and her family was angry at her and would not talk to her.  She said that starving her mother was painless and in the best interest of her mother.  She also told me that VCHA usually allows patients two years before they decide to end treatment.  It was exactly two years from the time Randy entered GPC that a DNR was placed on him.  And my life of terror began.


I just came across an article written by Bobby Schindler on June 13, 2008.  It said that in the US denying food and hydration is a widely practiced "medical treatment."  When I attended the Bentley case in BC, a medical professional said the same thing to me. It is done all the time. If patients are being starved to death and it is a widely practiced, how is it that I did not know about it.  Just like the common practise of putting DNRs on patients without their knowledge. 


 Huntington Post 15 May 2018

As Ontario's large cohort of baby boomers become seniors, the system will come under more strain, the FAO report said. The average 50-year-old in Ontario needs about $3,100 of health-care services annually, while a 65-year-old needs $6,400 worth of care and an 85-year-old needs more than $22,000 in care.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

1/3 of all deaths are due to medical error

If 1/3 of all deaths are due to medical error (which is a low estimate), why is it that we trust doctors.

And why is it that the aging population is blamed for our economic woes.  A few decades ago it was the poor who accessed the social safety net who were blamed because they did not want to work. The next diameter to attack is our pets that should not be here as they have no quality of life. And then there is the 2019 case of Hannah Cement v. Ottawa Civil Hospital.  The Hospital got a court order to starve her, a 62-year-old woman to death, as she has dementia. How was that possible.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The PGT and VCHA banning

On 29 January 2014 VCHA banned me for life from accessing all VCHA properties.  The PGT was a signatory to the banning.

A "wanted poster" with my picture was distributed to the employees of VCHA to make sure that employees would attack me on sight. The PGT did an equally stupid thing.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Randy Walker RIP April 13 2014 Sunday

And to think VCHA prevented me from seeing him.  What they did was say to the court that Randy was stable and not dying when in fact they all knew he had organ failure and he was dying.  I still can't believe what cruely they get away with and I am sure it is continuing even now.

What was the point of what Clark Wilson and the PGT did.Where is it said that it was in the best interest of Randy to die alone.

I remember the first social worker I talked to she said for me to forget about Randy and that VCHA would look after him.  I wonder often about that conversation.  If I had walked away, would Randy have lived as long as he did.

As each year passes my PTSD/bereavement is getting worse than better.  I dread waking up each morning.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Joel Morris, partner Harper Grey

Joel Morris, LLB, told a justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia that I did not respect the law. This is not true.

It is up to the supreme court justice to make such a determination. Not Joel.

Joel's job is not to defame me.  His job is to present the facts.

Joel sees himself as a great litigator.  His hero is Joseph Groia.  He horns his skill by attacking a 75 year old woman in bereavement because his client attempted to hasten the death of her husband.  All his client has to do is admit that VCHA forced him to put a premature DNACPR/DNT/CCO on my husband. My husband was 56 years old.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Joel Morris

I was accused by Joel Morris, law partner of Farris and Company, that I had no respect for the law.  I have a great deal of respect for the law otherwise I would not be suing his client.  His client is being reimbursed for his legal fees by the CMPA. And the Province reimburses his client's CMPA's membership fee.  So Joel's client pays nothing.  All his client does is sign affidavits which Joel writes.

Like I said to your client many times for him to tell the truth and say he was forced by Vancouver Coastal Health to put DNACPR, DNT and CCO Orders  ("DNR") on my husband in an attempt to hasten my husband's death.  He also followed the instructions of VCH to have him declared incapable. Why would your client want to declare my husband incompetent when he was dying.

Although I had a representation agreement for health care for my husband, your client and VCHA ignored it.  And VCHA made an Order approved by your client that I could not see my husband  while he was dying.  His death was not unexpected. Doctors know when a patient will die.

It is you and Farris and Company (from where many judges have been appointed) are using legal technicalities to have my case dismissed.

You are playing by the rules but this is not a chess game.  No one wins.  My husband is dead and I am suffering from PTSD which may never go away.

And VCH keeps puting DNRs on patients justifying that they are going to die anyways.  No issue here unless the patient wants to live for a few more days, weeks, months or years...or a few more hours.

- - - - - - -

My computer has gone wonky, the date of this post is March 30, 2019

Consider the case of Ben Mattlin, who suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. In a 2012 column for the New York Times, he wrote of the “thin and porous border between coercion and free choice” for those who feel devalued. On the subtle erosion of his autonomy, he wrote: “You also can’t truly conceive of the many subtle forces (to die) — invariably well meaning, kindhearted, even gentle, yet as persuasive as a tsunami — that emerge when your physical autonomy is hopelessly compromised.”

Randy Walker 7

From the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition blog from a few days ago.

Assisted suicide and euthanasia are at their heart eugenic. They seek to eliminate the weak, sick and elderly among us, while promoting what they call autonomy, which is only valuing individuals who are healthy and productive. They seek to morph Darwin's "Survival of the Fittest" into, only the fittest are allowed to survive. 

March 14 2019 Nancy Elliott

And the doctors are the ones who determine who is the fittest to survive.

In Canada it is called "quality of life" and Randy was one of its victims. Randy was chronic and he could have lived longer.  Absenting me from his life only hastened his death.  Why did VCHA do it?  Someone please ask someone.  I do not know who to ask.  In 2014 I was told that it was a direct order from Dr. David Ostrow, CEO, of VCHA.  Ostrow told me that he did not get involved with day-to-day matters so why did the directive come from him. No intervention.  No nothing.  Like it happens everyday.  Lifton called it "doubling,"

Randy was 57 when he died from an ABI after four years.  The health authority told Dr. Dunne to put a DNACPR/DNT/CCO Order on him which is euthanasia (involuntary).  They were playing with my head at that time as they knew I did not know what they were doing.  All of them looking down on me with their intimate knowledge. Their knowledge of how easy it is to kill and I not knowing what they were doing must have made them feel superior.  Like a con artist stealing from an old woman her life's savings.

Ron Panzer said that in the US Adult Protection Services are called by hospitals falsely accusing family members of being a threat to their own loved one when the family objected to the death-protocols being implemented by hospitals.  After I learned that a DNR meant that Randy would not be admitted to ICU, I objected to any type of DNR Order since DNR Orders are elastic. VCHA and PGT started on a project to take my health representation agreement away so I would have no say in Randy's treatment and further that I would be banned from all VCHA properties so I could not see Randy.  I wonder who devised that puzzle.

In an era of cost control and managed care, patients with lingering illnesses may be branded an economic liability, and decisions to encourage death can be driven by cost.  (W. Dellinger)

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Randy Walker 6

And now my attention is gone back to Christmas 2013.  This is one of the reasons why I was declared unfit to care for my husband. I MIGHT do something.

When I told the nurses on December 25th that I wanted to take Randy home for a few hours, they said I could not, it was against doctor's orders.  Randy was too sick.  I do not remember if I said this but I was thinking it.  It isn't what Dr. Dunne wants.  It is what Randy wanted if he was competent and if he was not competent then it was up to me.

I had a feeling that maybe it would not be a good idea to take him home for a few hours.  So, we stayed at GPC and watched television. If I had taken him home, thinking how we were treated, VCHA would have banned me from that date rather then wait until January 29 2014. All they would have said that I was a danger to Randy's safety because I took him home for Christmas day. My husband was dying so where was the danger.

The PGT said that because I MIGHT take Randy home for a few hours on Christmas day, that was evidence that I should not be Randy's health care representative. The Might allegation was the same one used when the PGT decided that I MIGHT mismanage my husband's money. I did not know my husband had any money.

Back to the day before December 25th, on the 24th it was decided by GPC that Randy was well enough to go to his companion's home for Christmas day.  A "stranger's home."

Randy Walker 5

I can't handle this much longer.  All my waking and sleeping moments are about Randy. I am distracted and I am angry.  I would think that hastening a person's death should also include the fact that the authorities and their assosciates who they network with had me banned from seeing him. He suffered great psychological harm.  He was dying and I could not even hold his hand.

On April 4 2014 when I heard Randy was at VGH, Ro Ang the manageress of GPC, phoned ahead to make sure that since Randy was on his death bed, I could not see him. And why did not one of the emerg doctors intervene.  He was dying and he did die.

They were standing and watching me as if they new something that I did not... like the feeling you get when in hindsight you realize that someone is conning you.  It is what predators do to their victims.


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Randy Walker 4

I came across an article called Medical Kidnapping. There are a lot of them.  Search "medical kidnapping."

Although the links are for the US they are happening here in Canada.

Once the authorities receive a "complaint" they do not fully investigate it and they rely on gossip to dismantle a family unit.  This is what happened with Mr Randy Michael Walker and Mrs Audrey Jane Laferriere.

The authorities take over and there is no one to help the family.  In Vancouver, the authorities (Vancouver Coastal Health and the Public Guardian and Trustee) collude together to protect a family member from his family. The adult which is the subject is not asked if he wants to be protected.

I heard of such situations before (medical kidnapping) but I did not know what they were called. The authorities get involved, take over the money and the person patient without a legal plausible reason. Family members are deemed incapable. For confidential reasons, the authorities will not tell you the reason.  No one can do anything because no one knows what to do.

In Vancouver VCH and the PGT with much aforethought made sure that the lawyers that might be qualified to help us are prevented from doing so because they farm out their legal work to a lot of legal firms thus those who are qualified would be in conflict.  In my case with the help of VCHA  lawyers, VCH devised a plan to drive me "crazy" knowing full well that I would never be able to get a lawyer.

All this probono stuff is a joke.  It just looks good on a resume when in fact the probono lawyers do every little to help anyone.  Their job is to dissuade those that have been treated badly from going any further.

Like the government's big campaign in 2012 with its "My Voice -- Expressing my Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment." The government sent employees out to have them get those in residential care and others to sign on the doted line. And the booklet is still being distributed in hospitals and to the general public.  The purpose is found on page 31.  My wishes for future health care treatment, life support and life-prolonging medical interventions.  What a devious plan.  Everyone opted for DNRs with the encouragement of those distributing the booklets and hospital social workers.

The booklet was "yellow."  Symbolic yellow of the Star of David used to identify the jews who were destined to be part of the "final solution."  DNRs are also part of the final solution in Canada.  DNRs are used to identify those of us who are going to die soon but with a DNR you will die sooner. A DNR says you are refusing CPR but other treatments can be denied you as well. A DNR is elastic.

The yellow booklet page 31 overrides the need for "informed consent."

P.S.  On January 29, 2014, I was banned from all VCHA properties. This meant that I could not see my husband or phone him. Today is March 14, 2019 (five years later) and my life-time ban is still with me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Randy Walker 3

It will be five years on April 13, 2019 that Randy died.  I am always thinking of him.

I am looking at a picture of him now from a Christmas. He was sitting in his wheelchair.  He had his Steeler's hat on.  He had five teddy bears on him which I placed on his chest area..  He was not happy.  He used his right hand as he had some mobility in it and threw all the teddy bears off of him one-by-one.  He hated me for doing such things.  But I was successful in that he had to move his right hand to move the bears off of him.  Physiotherapy.

I consider that a good memory.  Now I am in tears again ... VCH did not have to treat us so badly.  We never hurt anyone.  No one.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Randy Michael Walker 2

I still cannot understand how staff at George Pearson Centre could stand around and not help Randy when they all knew Randy wanted to live.  Saying it is a doctor's order does not get them off the hook.  If they saw Randy wanting to live, they should have immediately started resuscitating him otherwise it is murder. Nurses are suppose to be advocates for their patients, not be voyeurs of death. What vile creatures they are.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Who Killed Randy Michael Walker?

I keeping thinking back to December 26 2013 when I asked the nurses for Randy's AMBU bags which were always on the wall next to his bed and also on his wheel chair.  I asked for two to three days.  They would acknowledge the need and then disappear never to return.

Why an AMBU bag is important is that if a patient has difficulty in breathing it is used to help resuscitate a patient.

They hid it from me as they were under doctor's orders to let Randy die.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Basket Case #2

I knew that VCHA and the rest made me a basket case and now this litigation is making me a double basket case.

My visions of Randy are so distracting that I cannot do much to advance what I have of my limited time on this earth.

I read an article this morning from the New York Times that doctors always know when a patient will die.  So Dr. Dunne knew Randy was going to die when he refused to lift the DNR when I asked him to.  He said he would look into it after his trip to Prince George.  Four hours later Randy was within minutes of dying.

Why didn't he remove the DNR at that time.  He did not have to wait until after his trip to Prince George.  He was there less than thirty feet from Randy's bed.  I told him to go and ask Randy and he refused.

That evening I was given new visiting restrictions.  6 to 8 pm.  On January 29 2014 I was banned 24/7 from all Vancouver Coastal Health property.  The PGT and all the other defendants were part of this banning.  

The justification must have fallen into the category that he was going to die anyways so hastening it is a bit is not a problem.  No court would fault a doctor.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Vindictiveness of the College of Physicians and Surgeons

It did not take long for the vindictiveness of the College to surface.  Seven days.  On February 19, 2019 it filed a Notice of Motion.

It sort of missed the point though.  The College never investigated why Dr. Dunne put a DNR, a DNT and a CCO Orders on Randy.  The combination of all three is a death sentence for those that want to die.  Randy did not want to die.

The College didn't even get its facts right.  I first contacted them on November 19 2013 but the College said I contacted them on December 16 2013.  They did not even know that Dr. Dunne also put a CCO Order on Randy.

The College decided to exercise its discretion to take no action because Randy was incompetent.  So when did Randy become incompetent?  Was it in 2010 or in 2011.  In December of 2012 Randy was assessed by Dr. Dunne and Mr. Doig and someone else I do not know his name and it was decided that Randy was competent and that Randy wanted Full Code. I was not there to unduly influence him to live. When I spoke to risk management in August 2013 Randy was full code. On 14 November 2013 early evening Randy was transferred from VGH to GPC. The next morning Dr. Dunne coded him to die.  When I told Dr. Dunne to take the DNR off, he mumbled that he could not take it off as it wasn't his decision to make. Then he said that Randy was incompetent.

So who would want Randy dead. Randy did not want to be dead.  I did not want him to be death. His parents did not want him to be dead.  Randy's doggies did not want him to be dead.  So, who and why.

The College did not talk to me, nor did they talk to Dr. Dunne.  So who did they talk to. Maybe it was the lawyer for the CMPA or maybe VCH's department of risk management. Or maybe they did not talk to anyone.

The College should adjourn the application and commence a new investigation.

Better yet, the attorney-general should fire the College of Physicians and Surgeons as they are not doing their job of protecting the public.   It they can't do a simple investigation, how could they protect the public. It was a simple investigation but a serious complaint.  They should have done everything possible to make sure what Dr. Dunne said was the truth.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

College of Physicians and Surgeons (1)

The day after the November 18, 2013 incident happened, I phoned the College wanting them to do something. Anything.  I wanted DrXXXX  suspended until a full investigation was conducted. Dr XXXX put an unlawful DNR on my husband.  If I had not intervened and called 911, my husband would have died.

Two years later I got a decision from the College who agreed with Dr XXXX that he could not be objective because I was a bitch, but it was okay for Dr XXXX, who could not be objective, to put a DNACPR/DNT/CCO on my husband.

 My husband was not terminal.  There was no need for such an Order.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

To all the defendants

I am fed up with all these court applications, etc.

You are to work with my lawyer.

All you are doing is racking up legal fees.   Fees that the taxpayer is paying.

And all I will get from you is that your client told you to do that.  And if I ask your client why did he do this, he will say his lawyer told him to do it.

You all know I am not well.  How could I be well after what I was subjected to.  Every flashback I have is of the defendants bullying me.  Or, of Randy crying. I was his wife and you had no right to divide us.

At the first CPC, the judge said to the defendants to apologize to me.  At the second CPC, the judge said talk to me.  Neither happened.

And now even with Carolanne, she apparently is missing in action.  The all-and-powerful health authority can hide someone, and it does not have to tell anyone.  And Mr. Bell told me he is not authorized to tell me.

All this over a "plush toy" I was going to give a disabled patient in 2011.  A LPN ripped the plush toy from my hand saying that the patient did not need it.  I told him that it was not his decision to make. He called security. Nothing happened to this Lowest Paid Nurse, but from thenceforth if I wanted to visit Randy, the hours were severely restricted.

And another time, I said to a RN if she had something to tell me, tell me, do not send a LPN.  And what did she do, she called security.  She also said that I was going to be banned forever.  A prediction that came true.

And then there was December 26 2013 when staff hid Randy's AMBU bag from me.  If Randy needed help with his breathing, and I could not give him extra oxygen, he would die.

And I can hear Dr. Dunne saying to me: "Audrey, that was unfortunate. Too bad there was no resuscitation bag you could have used."

Everyone was complicit in "letting Randy die."

Friday, February 1, 2019

Catherine Romaniuk, the Public Guardian and Trustee for British Coumbia.

Catherine Romaniuk has insulted the institution of marriage and has insulted Canada by using her statutory powers to destroy marriages and work with the health authority to hasten the deaths of patients who are chronic.

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